2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement
148 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 6 2018 27 , Mike Loginov is the recipient of the Corporate Excellence Awards 2018Most Influential CEOof theYear 2018 – Cyber, is aGlobal Cyber Security Strategist, CertifiedChief InformationSecurity Officer (C|CISO). Recentlywe profiledMike to discovermore about howhe achieves excellence. AwardWinning Private Security Firm Mike is a well-known and sought after public speaker on the international industry events circuit. He is currently CISO at Powel AS Norway, a specialist firm serving the global Energy and Utilities industry, and he servers an advisor on the subject of cyber defence to a number of global companies and governments internationally. Mike is a former UK Military specialist, Ethical Hacker and Cyber Security Strategist and is a hands-on leader having served as CSO & CISO for FTSE 100 organisations. His clients have included; The Bank of England, Sky Broadcasting, DWP, The Football Premier League, Central Government, Serious Organised Crime Agency (CEOP) and Metropolitan Police as wells as firms of all sizes across commerce and industry. A judge on the SC Magazine European Awards for the past seven years and President of the International Operational Technology Association (www. IOTSA.info ) a not for profit initiative serving the Global Operational Technology cyber security community, and launched with the support of the UK’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). Mike is formally a founder, lecturer and Vice Chairman of the Coventry University National MBA in Cyber Security which is now in its third year. The company he founded in 2006, The Ascot Barclay Group (ABG) are an award winning private security firm, now headquartered in London UK, and specialises in helping organisations harden their security posture by reducing the risk of a security compromise from digital cyberattacks, human factors such as social engineering or through a breach of physical defences. Taking a structured approach, honed over the past 10 years and to ensure all bases across the enterprise are covered, ABG has developed the 5M’s framework. • Management - Key Leadership Factors including defining the organisations risk appetite, risk profile, defence strategy and ensuring the necessary level of Security Leadership is in place. • Monitor – Visible oversight of security posture. Real time monitoring across the business to identify areas of compromise or weakness’s in the technical and operational infrastructure. • Measure – Capture current security baseline, prioritise and plan using a comprehensive matrix of industry best practice recommendations. • Mitigate – Risk mitigation and resolution, closing the gaps and securing the organisation across all potential areas of 1806CV10 exploitation, penetration testing and red team assessments to check that adversaries are blocked from taking advantage of vulnerabilities. • Maintain – Achieve and hold an appropriate level of security resilience and continue the journey towards Hacker Hardened™.
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