2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement

170 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 46 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 9 2018 , 1807CV15Card ScreenTag provides an easier, more effective andmore affordableway to pass your contact details to your recipients, compared to traditional printed business cards. Following their success in CorporateVision’s Corporate Excellence Awards, we sat downwithCo-founder andDirector of ScreenTag, Panagiotis Loutraris tofind outmore about the innovative software solution. Business Cards Join the Digital Era You were recently awarded the Corporate Excellence Award as the Most Innovative Business Networking Solution for ScreenTag, the digital business card.What is a digital business card anyway? Let’s take a step back on this. When we started developing ScreenTag back in 2012, the question we asked ourselves was ‘ what is a business card ?’. So, what is a business card? A business card is a medium carrying two sets of information; contact details information and visual branding information. Thus, a digital business card is also carrying the same two sets of information, without the limitations placed by paper as a medium. I can see the limitation on quantity; you cannot pass more business cards than those you carry with you. Are there other limitations besides that? That’s the obvious one, but it doesn’t end there. For instance, your recipients cannot easily retrieve that information, unless they have your business card in front of them or they enter manually your contact details in their address books – and most of them won’t. There is also the chance that you cannot add a promo message on your card, because your business card has only two sides. Or even, you cannot receive your recipients’ contact details, unless they hand out to you their business cards. Most importantly, you are unable to keep using your business cards if your information is changed; you need to order new ones. So, there are limitations on retrieval of information, limitations on quantity and quality of information, limitations on portability and exchange of information, and limitations on updates of information. That’s how businesses and professionals have become the slaves of paper. There are more, but these are the most obvious ones. Printed business cards however, are easy to hand-out. Is a digital business card as easy to use? Let me correct you on this; printed business cards are easy to throw away. 82% of business cards are disposed by the recipients within a week without retrieving any information carried on them. So, you throw away at least four out of five printed business cards, only you put your recipients to do that for you. Does that mean that a digital business card is not as easy to use as a printed one? Not at all – and I am referring to ScreenTag now. It used to be several years ago, but since then ScreenTag has evolved to become more user-friendly, and technologies to read and store information shared through a digital business card have also became widely available. For instance, only one year ago, if you wanted to read a QR code, you would need a QR code reading app. Today, QR code reading can be done by simply turning on your stock camera app on your phone and pointing to the QR code. The problem is that people are not informed on those developments. So, ScreenTag is like carrying your business cards on your phone? That’s the primary mode of use, but we don’t limit our users on this. You can use ScreenTag on your e-mail, your social media profiles, your ads. Practically everywhere. That’s why we say that ScreenTag sets businesses and professionals free from the slavery of paper. How about cost? How does ScreenTag compare to printed business cards? Is it a lot more expensive? Actually, it’s more affordable than 98% of printed business cards. ScreenTag is a subscription service, offered at a base price of $9.95 per user per year, plus a small one-time setup fee. However, thanks to our partnership with Microsoft, if you have an active Office 365 subscription and delegate it to us, you can get ScreenTag for free. Thank you for sharing all this information about ScreenTag with us, and congratulations for the award. Thank you. Contact: Panagiotis Loutraris Company: BCN Integrated Ltd Web Address: www.screentag.mobi/cv

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