2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement
176 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 50 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 , Established in 2016, AdviNowMedical (ANM) has revolutionized the healthcare arenawith its automatedmedical system, the ‘On-Call Solution’. In June, CorporateVisionMagazine named ANM’s CEO, James Bates, theMost Influential CEOof theYear inHealthcare andTechnology as part of our ongoing 2018 Corporate Excellence Awards. A CEO for the Future of Healthcare Originally founded with the goal of making low-cost, affordable primary care access available to everyone, AdviNow Medical has certainly achieved that and much more. Spear-headed by Chief Executive Officer James Bates, it has become a leader in the sector, pioneering a system that synergises artificial intelligence and augmented reality to support existing healthcare infrastructure and services. It’s a technology which seems obvious in hindsight, amending a serious problem with an elegant solution. According to AdviNow, ‘a provider spends four minutes updating the patient electronic healthcare record for every one minute they spend with the patient’. With ANM’s ‘On-Call Solution’, face-to-face time with the patient is dramatically increased. When ANM is used, the same provider can either spend a full 15 minutes with the patient or spend the same face time with the patient and expand the patient number to as many as twenty patients an hour, without feeling frazzled or leaving a heavy workload for later. This process is not only time efficient, but remarkably cost efficient. Naturally, the big problem with designing a solution that reinvents the healthcare landscape is that others may be slow to adopt it due to fears of change and a need for adaptation. One of ANM’s core concerns was in making the system as intuitive as possible – easy to learn for patient, provider, and administrator. According to ANM, ‘the AI works to interreact with each party and allows them to learn as they use the system. This allows a very smooth transition for offices when they adopt our platform’. Indeed, as the world races forwards to become ever more digital, conventional practices look set to fall by the wayside as newer, more efficient, faster processes replace the outdated and stale. In many ways, ANM’s system is just the first move in a 1806CV23 future defined by imminent, swift change – the healthcare sector just one of many industries in need of disruption to thrive alongside an urgent and growing demand. By all regards, the foundation for ANM’s success was set from the very beginning in the leadership and guidance of James Bates. With notable positions at NXP, Silicon Laboratories, Maxim Integrated Products, and Bell Labs, he can be considered a seasoned veteran of the technology sector, acutely aware of the potential pitfalls of launching a new technology that utilises artificial intelligence. More important than all of that, though, James has a history of being at the forefront of innovation, seeing a clear vision of the future, and making it reality. This vision is shared by ANM as it races ahead of emerging technologies. As they explain, ‘our future vision is what healthcare will become. We are constantly trying to bridge the reality of where we are today to the vision in our dream. This intense focus ensures that every product developed has clear innovation’. By employing an innovation- centric approach to business, ANM asserts they have no competitors: ‘AdviNow Medical is unique as the pioneer in the complete medical encounter automation platform for use in the clinic and the home. Potential competitors are companies that do pieces of the encounter, but do not have complete platforms. The differentiation in go-to-market approach is also significant. ANM is focusing on clinics while all potential competition focuses on telemedicine to the home’. Equally, ANM realises that the healthcare industry is reaching a potential breaking point: ‘Access to healthcare is in an increasing global crisis. The aging population and the proliferation of chronic illnesses are exasperating the existing global shortage of healthcare providers. The shortage in
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