2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement
204 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 3 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 10 2018 , 1808CV26 After reaching 650 cities in Brazil, UNINTER arrives in Boston, USA to inaugurate its first Distance Education Center abroad. Way Beyond Brazilian Barriers UNINTER, the biggest university center in Brazil, according to the National Education Study and Research Center (INEP) expands overseas. The destination chosen by the Institute, the city of Boston, is considered the biggest Brazilian community, with more than 400.000 Brazilians. “It honors us to bring you these news pieces and to expand our brand and educational quality outside the country. We will assist thousands of Brazilians, who live in Boston and surroundings with modern courses, cutting- edge technology and teaching materials that consider the students necessities. Thanks to technological improvement and the power of internet, they will be able to study in their native language and graduate, even outside Brazil”, celebrates Wilson Picler, chancellor and founder of UNINTER. We encourage and enable Brazilians who live in Boston to have access to qualified, affordable and flexible higher education courses. The student will be able to work during the day and study at night, with our distance courses. Our wish is it to eliminate all obstacles, for those who aim for education, professionalization and employability. “We put knowledge in everyone’s reach so they can study whenever, wherever and however they wish or it is possible”, says Picler. Education 4.0: In line with the job market Imagine a future where professors and students create unique and customized learning processes. This is ’s proposal, since we launched the Education 4.0 model in early 2018. In this new reality, many of the offered courses carry the molecule of flexibility in their DNA: The students have the chance to create a unique grade, that meets theirs and the market needs. “The business world is more and more globalized and always changing. Many new professions are setting in, no matter where the student is. We provide courses that meet the demands of the market, that can be innovative and contribute to the evolution of society”, explains Picler. Based in Curitiba, PR, our group already counts on more than 500.000 students and has more than 200.00 active students attending the graduate courses, post-graduation, masters and university extensions, being it on- site, hybrid courses or distance education. To learn more about visit our page uninter.com/Americas Wilson Picler, chancellor and founder of Uninter
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