2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement

CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 241 8 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 8 2018 , IncrementumAG is an owner-managed and fully licensed asset manager based in Liechtenstein offering wealthmanagement services for private clients, as well as a range of investment funds. Taking time to provide us with a detailed insight into the firm, is IncrementumAG’s CEO, StefanM. Kremethwho reveals more about the innovative firm following their recent success in Corporate Vision’s 2018 Corporate Excellence Awards as the Most Influential CEO of the Year 2018 – Liechtenstein. Independent and Flexible Boutique Approach My fellow partners and I have a thorough knowhow of the architectural features of Incrementum AG’s organisation. This together with a flat hierarchy, the constant thrives for innovation, collaborations with students from universities around the world, and the willingness to invest into new business oppor- tunities, helps us avoiding the traps leading to inertia within our organisation. Here at Incrementum AG, we genuinely believe in real assets and we are modest enough to accept the fact that we cannot foresee the future and thus where markets are heading. Our invest- ment team has a serious interest in and a profound understanding of monetary history. In combina- tion with out-of-the-box reasoning and prudent fundamental financial research, purposely avoiding daily chatter and noise, this offers a distinct skill set that has proven to be utterly valuable for our private clients and investment fund inves- tors alike. Equities belong to our core investments. We are building truly customised client portfolios according to our clients’ require- ments, needs and willingness to accept risk. As long-term inves- tors, we invest solely in equities of listed companies with a proven track record of producing net free cashflows over years and are happy to share those cashflows at least partially with investors in the form of dividends and/or capital reductions. On the other hand, and after many years of extraordinary money supply and ultra-low interest rates, we do not invest in government bonds as we do not feel comfortable with the current risk reward profile offered by those. Large scale monetary poli- cies are difficult to judge and while we are not entirely certain that the increase in global debt will be sustainable, we are humble enough to recognise that so far, the leading central banks seem to have mastered the 2007/2008 Great Financial Crisis rather well. Either way, at Incrementum we see money only as means for facilitating global trade, con- sumption, maybe storing value very short term and thus as a lubricant for the global economy. Our independence and short lines of communication are helping us to respond to evolving markets rapidly, to communicate freely and to act without any bias for our clients which as a result is helping them to prosper long term even in challenging market environments. Ultimately, we believe in our inde- pendent and flexible boutique ap- proach as it combines unconven- tional thinking with state-of-the-art asset management know-how. Moving forward, we are convinced that the assets we manage will offer the growth element that our company name Incrementum stands for to our customers. Contact: Stefan M. Kremeth Company: Incrementum, Im alten Riet 102, Schaan, 9494, Liechtenstein Telephone: 00423 237 26 66 Web Address: www.incrementum.li 1909CV16

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