2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement

246 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 Franka Emika’s vision is tomake robots a commodity by putting the human at the centre of the robot design. Recently, we profiled the firm to discover more about how the innovative teamare changing the future, one step at a time. Even today, robotics remains a technology that is accessible only to few. The rea- sons behind this is that there are high costs, difficult programming and the separation of humans and robots by safety fences. Which leads to ask the question, how can this technol- ogy be made accessible to the general population? The answer – Franka Emika. A young, high-tech company from Munich, who have a strong passion in wanting to solve this problem. For the talented team at Franka Emika, the ideal robot of the future for them is a tool which can be used by anybody, and one which supports humans in carrying out unpleasant or even dangerous tasks. Panda is the first system of an entirely new generation of tools, which incor- porates a novel high-resolution, whole-body sense of touch to accomplish most delicate tasks accurately. The system can be operated via Apps similar to a smartphone, but can also be taught new tasks within a few minutes, without requiring any programming skills. At the same time, the system is sensitive to such an extent, that it can take over assembling, testing or inspection tasks. The online platform, Franka World is the centre of the eco- system, where the community will be able to exchange ideas. Alongside this, developers will get assigned to customers, which will allow them to introduce new solutions and applications on a more personal level. In addition to this, the quality system was developed based on the globally leading German ro- bot technology, and is now being produced in series in Bavaria, Germany. Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, the team at Franka Emika will continue to deliver their exceptional services. As for Simon Haddadin, he will continue to lead his team to great heights, especially following his recent success in Corporate Vision’s Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 in which he was righteously awarded the accolade Most Influential CEO of the Year 2018 Robotics and Technology. 1809CV12 Leading the Way in Robotics ,

http://www.franka.de/ http://www.gen2ks.com/ http://www.ninth-wave.com/ http://www.sirensearch.co.uk/