2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement
248 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 NinthWave bridges the gap between financial data and the real world by breaking down data barriers. Recently, we profiled the firm to discover more about their innovative offerings and how they are able to stay ahead of the game in such a dynamic industry. Ninth Wave : Providing Endless Possibilities on One Platform Ninth Wave works seamlessly across checking and savings accounts, credit card and loan accounts, bill pay, brokerage accounts and 401(k)’s, large financial institutions and Fintech start-ups. As a result, the team at Ninth Wave are dramat- ically minimising the complexity of financial data through a hyper-con- nected, universal standard. The Ninth Wave Platform serves as a gatekeeper between banks and aggregators, as well as banks and Fintechs. In addition to this, the Ninth Wave platform certifies partic- ipants and funnels all data access through one secure, scalable and audited direct channel. Offering three flexible options for the development of their solutions, the Ninth Wave Platform allows the company’s customers to deploy their solution in the manner that best suits their business needs and meets all of their security require- ments. On-Premise: The Ninth Wave plat- form can be deployed in a client’s data centre or within their private cloud. All of the platform software is deployed behind client firewalls, which have been fully integrated into client security and management systems and back-end data retrieval processes. Also, Ninth Wave will not have access to the system, unless they have been granted access by the system owner. Cloud: The Ninth Wave Platform can be completely deployed in its secure cloud environment. As part of their full-service cloud-hosting, Ninth Wave will provide user-au- thentication services in addition to persisting encrypted account-holder data in a high-performing secure environment. This model provides complete isolation from core bank systems and requires zero capacity from those same bank systems. Hybrid: This is available to those who wish to take advantage of both the performance and time-to-mar- ket of Ninth Wave Platform-hosted services, however they want to maintain control of persisted data. The Ninth Wave Platform can be hosted in its secure cloud environ- ment with client authentication and data retrieval being served to the clients on premise systems. The cloud-based Ninth Wave platform processes requests and secure call- backs, deploying them from its cloud environment to the client’s data centre for necessary data retrieval. Currently, innovation appears to be everywhere, however within the world of financial data, innovative change has lagged. That is until now. Ninth Wave’s platform is a new approach to open banking, enabling the standardisation of financial data sharing among Financial Institutions, third party providers, aggregators, SMB’s, consumers, and Fintech companies. It eliminates the need for one-off data sharing agreements between banks and Fintech provid- ers, creating a scalable, reliable and affordable long-term solution. Consisting of a core engine and robust API, the Ninth Wave platform provides a holistic view of financial data for clients by accessing inter- nally held assets across multiple Financial Institutions. It safely man- ages and delivers data, solving the challenges Financial Institutions of- ten face such as insufficient security measures from third-party software providers, burdensome use of bank servers and infrastructure due to excessive data demands, loss of services’ revenue and increased competition. Additionally, trusted advisors and experts in data and data aggrega- 1808CV31 tion for over 75 financial institutions with reach to over 16,000, Ninth Wave delivers software which is able to provide access to over $8 trillion in AUM for 8 of the top 10 Wealth Managers, retirement servic- es providers, credit card providers, and online banking and bill pay enablers, to name just a few. Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, the team at Ninth Wave will continue to deliver on their remarkable service which has seen them reach extraordinary heights throughout the years. Leading the way, will be George Anderson who was righteously awarded the ac- colade as the Most Influential CEO of the Year 2018 - Software and IT in Corporate Vision’s Corporate Excellence Awards of 2018. ,
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