2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement

4 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 , Sandler Systems Inc.’s training and coaching provides the tools to create common processes, culture and sales language within their customers’ organizations. Following their recent success in 2018 Corporate Excellence Awards, we profiled the firmand spoke to Zelda Jessup who provided us with a detailed insight into the inner workings of the award-winning firm. Sandler — How to Succeed Sandler Systems Inc’s training and coaching provides the tools to create common processes, culture and sales language within their customers’ organizations, by offering programs focused on a diverse range of areas includ- ing: Prospecting, Social Selling, Enterprise Selling, Customer Service, Sales Management, Selling Into the C-Suite, and Coaching. One of the key differentiators be- tween Sandler and other training is their focus on the whole client through emphasis on Behaviors and Attitudes—in addition to Techniques—in their training. Sandler’s 270 training centers offer programs and reinforcement to their clients delivered by full- time certified Sandler trainers in their clients’ local markets around the world. In addition to this, Sandler also offers a wide variety of online tools and technology to reinforce the training experience 24/7 and increase our customers’ ROI. SandlerOnline provides on-de- mand resources for sales teams and business leaders through interactive courses, quizzes and a library of content and mul- ti-media resources. The system currently houses over 16,000 clients, serving 30+ countries in 21 languages. Going into detail about the firm’s overall mission, Zelda begins by reciting a part of Sandler’s mission statement. “Success guides Sandler in everything we do, from develop- ing effective training programs for Fortune 500 companies, to help- ing individual sales professionals advance their own careers. “It is our mission, our promise and our brand, whether its measured in increased revenue, billings growth, expansion or advancement. It’s the goal of our clients—current and future, global and local—on the street and in the boardroom. “Success is what we create when we turn declining market share, customer attrition, high turnover and the lack of a common sales process into increased revenue, higher profits, expansion and advancement. “Lastly, success is why we get up in the morning. It’s what led David Sandler to start this firm 50 years ago. It’s what propelled us to become the largest sales, cor- porate and management training company in the world today.” Speaking of success, Zelda in- forms us of the key differentiators between Sandler and com- petitors within their respected industry, pointing to the qualities which marks the firm out as the best possible option for clients. “Here at Sandler, there are two primary differentiators between us and other training firms. The first is our focus on the whole client through emphasis on Be- haviors and Attitudes, in addition to Techniques, as a big part of the training. This focus is what provides a truly transformational experience for our clients and their businesses and organiza- tions. “The second is the use of rein- forcement training, which Sandler invented long before anyone else used the term. At Sandler, we know that short-term training events generally get short-term results. Permanent, lasting change takes time and repetition to achieve. Most of our training is based this principle.” It is no secret that behind every successful company is a ded- icated team of individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that they achieve their overall goal. When discussing the internal culture at Sandler, Zelda is keen to highlight how each member of the team is well-equipped to provide the best possible service to their clients. “Sandler’s internal culture is a legacy from being founded by a sales person, with boots on the Oct18423 ground in the field. We are fast- paced and constantly questing for what’s next on the horizon to expand our training content and delivery. “Sandler trainers are first and foremost sales people and sales managers - people who have ‘walked the talk’- who we teach how to train what is the best training methodologies in the world. Therefore, our trainers have ‘street cred’ with our clients. They know what’s involved in the sales process, sales manage- ment challenges, etc., because they’ve been there and done that. This provides a very unique, real-world experience that no other training company offers, which resonates with our clients. “We require that all new Sandler trainers attend an eight-day intensive boot camp style Initial Training, before they are licensed to sell or deliver our proprie- tary training methodologies. In addition, we offer a rigorous 4-level Certification process for both trainers and clients, which incorporates knowledge of the material and processes, as well as demonstrated ability to execute. “New hires for Sandler world headquarters attend onboarding sessions, are encouraged to attend sales and management training offerings in local training

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