2018 Corporate Excellence Awards Supplement
52 CORPORATE VISION / Corporate Excellence Awards 2018 CORPORATE VISION / March 2018 23 , Fred-young & Evans LP is a full-service commercial lawfirm inNigeria dedicated to providing its clients with prompt and effective legal services. We profile the firmas we look to find out what the future holds for the exciting firm. Integrity, Distinction and Professionalism Fred-young & Evans represents foreign investors, businesses and hospitals, real estate, construction firms, financial advisory companies, betting and lottery companies, intellectual property firms amongst others. Adding to its sterling reputation, the firm is a member of many reputable international networks including, Global law Experts, Leaders in Law, IR Global, Advisory Excellence, Startupoverseas, the Lawyer’s Network. Specialising in a range of areas, the firm is divided into three practice groups. Boasting a wealth of expertise throughout its team, staff operate in areas including dispute resolution, corporate and commercial aspects, and intellectual property. Going into detail regarding these key areas the firm practices in, the dispute resolution group represents clients in legal proceedings, negotiation, mediation and arbitration towards resolving commercial disputes. The corporate, commercial group provides consultation on corporate and commercial law matters, and the intellectual property group provides legal services on intellectual property matters such as registration of trademarks, copyrights, patents, and designs. Distinguishing itself from other similar firms in the competitive legal industry, Fred-young & Evans differentiates itself thanks to its genuine care and commitment to clients’ business and how hard the team works to do the best for them. Even if its clients have a dispute with their own customers, Fred-young & Evans ensures that a business relationship is maintained with them, keeping their company in good order and looking after their best interests. Subsequently, the firm is always looking at amicable options for the settlement of its clients’ disputes without compromising their interests. If an amicable settlement fails, the team usually propose quicker dispute resolution mechanisms such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation or arbitration. This is because if litigation is inevitable and the clients’ claim is a liquidated sum, time would be saved by commencing a summary judgment proceeding. If the client is the defendant, genuine admissions and reasonable offers towards timeous resolution of the dispute are veritable options in preventing litigation from escalating. Ultimately, Fred-young & Evans provide an unrivalled service in which the team truly care about getting the best result for the client. Ensuring they do not suffer from any dispute, the team are dedicated to their research, and with the firm continuing its 1802CV27 802CV27 approach, the future looks very bright. Company: Fred-young & Evans LP Contact: Emmanuel Ekpenyong Address: Suite 217A, Jinifa Plaza, Plot 1014, Samuel Adesoji Ademulegun Street, Central Business District, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria Phone: +234 803 491 2096 Website: www.fredyoungandevans.com Email: emmanuel@ fredyoungandevans.com
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