Corporate Vision April 2017

14 CORPORATE VISION / April 2017 “Hopefully a lot of good news and strong returns to my team’s great efforts! We have built up our international network and have done most of the legwork to register our products in over 100 different countries, and over the next five years we should see these efforts bear fruit and our products launched in many of these countries. “Moreover, our board has already approved our 2021 strategy, which calls for growth driven by “commercial diffusion of innovation”. Thus, with network of partner who share our ‘quality first’ value we should be able to maintain and expand our current innovation driven value proposition significantly over the coming five years.” Company: Sintetica SA Name: Augusto Mitidieri Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Mendrisio - Switzerland Telephone: +41 91 640 42 50 Quality Without Compromise g