Corporate Vision April 2017

4 CORPORATE VISION / April 2017 NEWS , The UK Govern- ment’s Health & Safe- ty Executive (HSE) define work-related stress, depression or anxiety as a harmful reaction peo- ple have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work. And their statistics into work relat- ed stress, anxiety and depression should make every leader sit up and take note. The latest estimates from the La- bour Force Survey (LFS) show: • The total number of cases of work related stress, depres- sion or anxiety in 2015/16 was 488,000 cases, a prev- alence rate of 1510 per 100,000 workers. Five Top Tips to Navigate Workload Pressures K For Stress Awareness Month (April), Growth Consultant and author of Built to Grow, Royston Guest has put together five tips to navigate workload pressures.