Best Engineering & Technical Recruitment Specialists - Yorkshire While recruitment has largely been dominated by larger organisations, smaller agencies have certainly looked to shift the dominant paradigm in recent years. After all, small companies are more agile, more dynamic, and often driven by more innovative ideas. Today, the greater recruitment sphere relies on the expertise of these SMEs – as does, arguably, much of the business world. For Jason, Arthur Rose Recruitment has thrived through its ability to outmanoeuvre industry goliaths, all while delivering best in class solutions to a plethora of markets. “We provide recruitment solutions to a huge range of businesses throughout the UK, originally, we were going to cover just Yorkshire at the inception of the business but as things changed, we branched out nationwide to service our clients’ other sites. The mission is to provide an honest approach to recruitment, so you know where you stand. Our honesty and the fact we are a small business we can react a lot quicker than larger businesses. And because of us being smaller, we have that personal touch, so when dealing with clients, we build those relationships to enable us to build trust and integrity,” Jason explains in more detail. Of course, one of the key distinguishers in this highly competitive space is the ability to be bespoke in approach. Client centricity remains crucial for companies of all sizes here – and is certainly fulfilled by Arthur Rose Recruitment’s processes. The other side of the coin is attitude, which is an often-underappreciated skill to have in the industry, as Jason discusses further. “Attitude – I’ve always believed that skills can be trained where with recruitment you have to have the right attitude and desire to succeed as there are plenty of ups and downs. One of the key parts of our culture is that everyone is free to voice their opinion, as everyone comes with a unique perspective, which can ultimately help us grow as a business. “I think the key to taking on any new project is having a solid plan, and then outlining the benefits of why we’re doing it. Laying those solid foundations ensure that when we are getting the buy-in of key stakeholders or recruiting third parties to work on implementation, then we’re all focussed on the same outcome.” With all of this in mind, the future of Arthur Rose Recruitment lies in ‘continuing on’ and ensuring that its processes remain cutting edge in a sector that constantly shifts and develops. “We aim to continue what we are doing to make sure we look after our existing client base, most who have been with us since the business started and look at the growth plans for next year by adding to our head count. For such a young company, it’s humbling to know we’re starting off on the right foot by being recognised with this award, and from this starting point, we’re looking to grow in the next 12-18 months and train a new wave of Recruiters to ensure we deliver an ethical and professional service to our customers.” Company: Arthur Rose Recruitment Ltd Name: Jason Duffy, Director Email: [email protected] Web Address: Arthur Rose Recruitment has excelled across industries across both Yorkshire and across the rest of the UK. Following their success in the Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Awards programme we spoke with Director Jason Duffy to find out more about its expertise. Corporate Coaching and Recruitment Awards 2022 15