Corporate Vision December 2017

CORPORATE VISION / December 2017 25 a community of high performing individuals who have a passion for leadership and of whom they have experience and knowledge. Judith’s passion for leadership comes from her own career, observing both great and poor leadership at all levels and wanting to influence a positive approach. In her senior management career, she observed great leadership at work and occasionally less than great leadership, learning from both as she refined and defined herself as a leader. Drawing influence from staff across the organisations in which she worked and from international thinkers – “leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another” -John C Contact: Judith Cashmore-James Contact Email: judith@ Company: Touchstone Associates Ltd. First floor, 6 Ferranti Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, ST18 0LQ, UK Telephone: 01785 613962 Web Address: www. and Creating the Organisation You Want, Not What You Think You Need g Maxell. This quote defines her own belief that organisational change can be positively and powerfully influenced through the attitudes and behaviours of staff at all levels. Nurturing and encouraging people to understand themselves as leaders and to take ownership of their own leadership approach is essential if organisations are to let go of historic paternalistic and hierarchical approaches. The future needs people to act appropriately, take incisive decisions in a culture of quality support and encouragement, only then will we as consumers truly have the experience we deserve. For the future, Judith is building her international coaching and consulting practice, facilitating the growth of leaders for today and tomorrow. Seeing her role as encouraging leaders at all levels and at all ages as being essential if we are to face the challenges the world is delivering. In the last ten years organisations have faced significant environmental and financial challenges and across the globe there has been an awakening of individuals willing to call out the appalling behaviours of people from the media, parliament and many other walks of life. The world is changing and changing at a faster pace than ever before. For those choosing to work in the field of personal development being able to anticipate and deliver development that will facilitate what leaders and aspiring leaders need to step confidently forward to ensure the world has the leaders it needs is paramount.