Global Business Awards 2020

Silicon Device In-System Programming Technology and related services is the focus of SMH Technologies, an outstanding firm that operates on a global, independent, and high-quality level. One of the industry’s leaders, SMH Technologies has been delivering success after success for its clients in the electronic boards manufacturing industry for well over a decade since being formed. Join us as we find out more about the firm following its win in this years’ Global Business Awards from Corporate Vision Magazine. For twelve years, SMH Technologies has been slowly and surely building up a global reputation for delivering the highest levels of In-System Programming (ISP) technology that is available on the market. Thanks largely to the continuous investments in the research and development aspect of the business, SMH Technologies has been empowered to create and maintain a technological competitive advantage, which in turn allows the company to keep the status of worldwide leader in ISP technology. In particular, the firm has garnered international recognition is the FlashRunner 2.0 Technology, that applies the most advanced hardware and software technology, but its main innovation is represented by a migration from a programming tool to a complete programming system, creating an added value to production lines. FlashRunner 2.0 capitalises SMH Technologies’ experiences on production environments developed from the main companies worldwide. In addition, FlashRunner 2.0 includes important series of peripherical features and underlines the production efficiency concept. SMH Technologies’ target market is made up by the main OEM, EMS and fixture producers combined with strategic alliances with both silicon device manufacturers and ATE producers. SMH Technologies has a deep culture and knowledge on microcontrollers, memories, big size memories: the delice list counts more than 10.000 target supported. In addition, the company is available to develop custom projects dedicated to specific production requirements. At the heart of the firm, however, are its people and its engineers. They are the lifeblood of SMH Technologies, and what gives the firm its strength on the global platform. A team that is built up with many years of experience in microcontroller technology is not easily created, but SMH Technologies has ensured that its team includes experts in development and embedded operating systems, Flash programming, data communication and analysis, mechanical design, system integration, plus a well-motivated sales force. These people have been brought together to develop new methods, create new ideas, and leverage the advantages of today’s best technologies into better ones for tomorrow. Throughout the firm’s history over the last twelve years, it has also had to overcome several crises, even globally and with deep roots linked to situations of economic speculation or epochal changes such as the opening of Eastern bloc countries and the rather phenomenal growth of China. Using scientific rationale, SMH Technologies was able to accept these challenges, transforming itself and providing the strength needed to Best Silicon Device In-System Programmer Technology Company 2020 overcome the crises. This latest challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic, may have caught many businesses unprepared and unaware, but it is a challenge that SMH Technologies will no doubt rise to as the months go by. Being strong enough to constantly renew itself and transform is a unique skill to have in the business world, but technology often calls for it. It may be interpreted from different points of view, but the ultimate truth is this: SMH Technologies is technologically superior to its competitors, and will always aim to be involved in designing new technological models, even outside of its comparative field. Ultimately, the dream of SMH Technologies is to have a technology that adapts to people, rather than being overwhelmed and having to adapt to the imposed change. This firm is a beacon of technological and innovative brilliance, and is fully deserving of its every success. Contact: Mr Claudio Stefani – President Website: Aug20101