Global Business Awards 2021
Global Business Awards 2021 35 Most Trusted Automotive Mobility Platform - Belgium LinkedCar, a company that started in January of 2020, found itself entering the world of modern business at a time of great shift. Three months after its inception, lockdown took effect, and this company has thusly been growing and developing within the crucible of one of the most globally impactful disasters in history, joining a corporate world that is in the midst of critical paradigm changes across the board. Fundamentally, this company watched as the automotive industry ‘fell together’, striving to ensure that its idea of mobility data remained intact as it worked to develop the solution it offers today; mobility data over which the driver has full control. All future trends, LinkedCar foresees, will be data driven. This will be made even more the case by the pandemic – as the dust begins to settle, it is clear that technology has integrated more seamlessly with everyday life than ever before – and in the automotive industry, the prevailing trend of automobile data and who controls the sharing of that data, is on the docket for further change as result. Concurrently, there has been a trend of imbalances when it comes to who the beneficiaries of certain points are. LinkedCar wishes to change this, putting the customer back in charge of their own data by ensuring that they won’t have to pay to access their own numbers. Furthermore, it doesn’t just return the data to the hands of the consumer, it also offers the possibility of sharing it with the wider mobility ecosystem in order to convert this data into monetary value. In this manner, LinkedCar has made itself a bold new voice in its industry and a market leader that is growing in scope and clout, with peers and its wider market segment taking note as it continually grows and develops its solutions by way of a smart IoT device. Critically, this device is a mobile application and award-winning connected mobility platform that optimises business processes and allows for the sophisticated and efficient sharing of data without fear of compromise. Differentiating it from its competitors in a way that its market segment has lauded as exemplary since its beginnings on the scene, LinkedCar is changing the way the automotive industry looks at data ownership and the synergy between data and driver. At LinkedCar, it doesn’t own vehicular data; indeed, the driver or consumer has full control over it, and being a multi-brand and independent company, it ensures that said customers can trust it with their data, no matter who they are or what Sep21866 With the goal of continually developing its online mobility data platform, LinkedCar is a business that wishes to cultivate one centralised platform to connect everyone. Working hard to put the control of their own automotive data back in the hands of the end-user, LinkedCar has made itself a highly trustworthy and sophisticated solution for its market segment, one that has developed a reputation for being the ‘Robin Hood of vehicle data’. Fundamentally, this company watched as the automotive industry ‘fell together’, striving to ensure that its idea of mobility data remained intact as it worked to develop the solution it offers today; mobility data over which the driver has full control. they drive. Having began with signed contract and LOIs that dissipated after 2 months, LinkedCar is no stranger to adaptation. Throughout the pandemic, it worked hard to keep itself flexible and reactive, gaining notoriety with peers and customers both for its prevailing tenacity. Furthermore, they have managed this internally with a flat structure and a respect for each of their staff members, thanking everyone for their hard work and diligence throughout the tumult, with a culture of fun and professionalism that permeates their ranks. Having won a variety of awards, LinkedCar looks forward to being able to start mass production next year, realising what it means by one centralised hub for all mobility data so that they can continually invest heavily in yet more vehicles, making themselves a service that is ready and willing to help customers take back their agency. Company: LinkedCar Contact: Mario Schraepen Website:
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