12 Corporate Vision / 2017 Health & Safety Awards , WORKPLACE be- lieve that organisa- tions that take their Health and Safety strategy seriously are looking for trusted partners and genuine experts, and as such they aim to be that partner by of- fering integrity, reliability and the proven ability to deliver outstand- ing services that keep workplaces and critical infrastructure perform- ing to the required levels. Julie discusses how this focus on ex- cellence helps mark the firm out from its competitors. “Here at WORKPLACE, we are more efficient and flexible in our service delivery than similar sized companies due to our skilled teams of operatives who can cov- er a variety of working patterns. Services can be scaled up and down in line with our client’s busi- ness to ensure that they receive the solution they need. “Our clients feel part of the solu- tion via our unique customer por- tal – with instant access to all their metrics, risk assessments and re- porting they can manage risk and be fully responsive at the touch of a button. We use the power of technology to deliver visibility and transparency of our performance. Through our unique customer portal and dashboard, we can provide the key metrics our cli- ents need at the touch of a button, they can be assured of delivering At the heart of Sas- katoon, on Treaty 6 territory and the homeland of the Métis, is the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan, one of Canada’s top research uni- versities. We invited Robert Kliewer, Associate Director, Safety Resources, to tell us more. The University of Saskatchewan ad- vances the aspirations of the people of the province and beyond through interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to discovering, teaching, sharing, integrating, preserving, and applying knowledge, including the creative arts, to build a rich cultural community. “An innovative, accessible, and wel- coming place for students, educators, and researchers from around the world, here at the University of Sas- katchewan we serve the public good by connecting discovery, teaching, and outreach, by promoting diversity and meaningful change, and by pre- paring students for enriching careers and fulfilling lives as engaged global citizens. “Fundamentally, customer service is the number one focus in all we do. We strive to deliver outstand- ing customer services to our clients in an effort to support the research mission of the university. Staff know that customer services is our number one priority, we need to listen to the customer to understand their needs and tailor our delivery to ensure the needs and requirements are met.” Looking to the future, the university will contribute to a sustainable future by being among the best in the world in areas of special and emerging strengths, through outstanding re- search, scholarly, and artistic work that addresses the needs and aspira- tions of our region and the world, and through exceptional teaching and en- gagement, as Robert concludes. “Moving forward, the University of Saskatchewan remains dedicated to continuing to improve, exceed reg- ulatory requirements and meet the needs of the university. We will strive to have support programs that en- hance the research and ensure liabil- ities are managed. Our future plans revolve around working on a plan to implement the Mission Zero initiative on campus starting in 2017, which will provide us with many exciting op- portunities which we look forward to taking advantage of.” excellence in a healthy and safe way to their stakeholders.” Julie herself brings a great deal of experience to the firm, NE- BOSH accredited Construction Health and Safety Consultant has worked in the industry for over 20 years. She manages several teams of experienced Operatives working solely for this sector who are fully certified and carded to carry out the cleaning of the most challenging of buildings. Julie works closely with Quantity Surveyors, Site Managers and Project Managers to ensure that the cleaning package covers all aspects of the preparation for the final handover of the project. Her industry knowledge and at- tention to detail wins her repeat business with many of the leading construction companies within the UK. This has enabled WORK- PLACE to be recognised as one of the primary cleaning subcon- tractors within the industry. Best for Campus SafetyManagement – Saskatchewan&Award for Excellence in Risk Assessment 2017 Construction H&S Consultant of the Year 2017 & Best Healthcare Cleaning Company - South England WORKPLACE is amulti service facilities management provider delivery workplace solutions within a variety of sectors including commercial, educational, medical and construction. We caught up with Julie Felix, ConstructionHealth and Safety Consultant, to find out more. Company: University of Saskatchewan Contact: Robert Kliewer, Associate Director, Safety Resources Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: 150 Research Annex, 105 Maintenance Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5CS, Canada Phone: 001 306 966 23 70 Company: WORKPLACE (Intelligent Workplace Solutions Ltd) Contact: Julie Felix, Construction Health & Safety Consultant Contact Email: info@work- placesolutions.co.uk Address: Reading, Berkshire Phone: 0118 377 5400 Website: www.workplaceso- lutions.co.uk HAS17003 HAS17002