Health and Safety Awards 2017
4 Corporate Vision / 2017 Health & Safety Awards , EBB Limited is a health and safety consultancy based inNorth Staffordshire. We profile the firm to find out more about the range of services it offers in this vital market. Best Social Housing Health & Safety Specialist - Midlands Drawing on over 20 years’ experience across the corporate health, safety and fire sectors, EBB offers complete health and safety support and management consultancy to office based businesses, call centres, voluntary services and SME’s, providing a common sense approach as well as offering value for money. Through this varied service offering EBB supports national training providers in the UK housing sector, offering nationwide face-to-face on-site training to housing associations. Local firms to EBB, such as road haulage provider ‘Reid Freight’ and ‘The Rookery’ Cheshire offering ‘Apartment’ and ‘Shepherds Hut’ facilities are also important clients. Currently the housing sector generally, but especially ‘social housing associations’ are far more exposed to increasing demand and regulation regarding its services, its ‘duty of care’ and its ever-changing business models than it is generally given recognition for, while they continue to deliver an essential service to communities across the UK, and while the sector itself continues to meet the ever growing demands and needs placed upon it for its services. This leads to many exciting opportunities for firms such as EBB Limited, and as such its ongoing mission is to offer common sense health and safety services to all its clients, who want to ‘do the right thing’ in relation meeting their legal and statutory requirements, while developing their own business goals. To achieve this, all EBB clients, will moving forward by always receiving tailored up-to-date support, service and consultancy depending on their own individual requirements. HAS17004 Company: EBB Limited Contact: Eric Barbour Contact Email:
[email protected] Phone: 07984 998023
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