, N CLH Management Consultancy Ltd is a professional management con- sultancy based in the East Midlands. We invited Claire Hornby to tell us more about the firm and the secrets behind its success. CLH specialise in health and safety, environment, quality management systems; risk management; emer- gency management; as well as train- ing and competence. In addition, the firm have extended its services to most business sectors within the railway, construction, transport, man- ufacturing and engineering markets. Despite operating in varied indus- tries, what links all of CLH’s clients is the superior client service that they receive, as Claire is eager to empha- sise. “Here at CLH, we provide a sensi- ble, tailormade and cost effective approach to health, safety and envi- ronmental matters and can communi- cate and influence at all levels, which makes us stand out from our compet- itors. Our management systems are built around the client needs and not just an ‘off the shelf’ system. “In order to offer the very highest standards of service to our clients, our staff maintain CPD and knowledge of the industries in which we serve by regular communications with industry groups and membership with IOSH (Institution of Safety and Health) as a Chartered Member, IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) and OHSHCR (Occu- pational Health and Safety Consult- ants Register). Changes in industry standards can be challenging for its clients, but, thanks to being armed the correct information and prepara- tion, we have a 100% success rate in assisting its clients with conformance to industry standards such as RISQS and ISO standards.” Moving forward, Claire is excited for the future as she outlines the firm’s plans to build upon its current suc- cess and support a wider range of clients. “Looking ahead, CLH Management Consultancy hopes to continue with its growth along with its commitment to its clients and their continuing success. The aims of the company are to build its client base, maintain its relationships with its clients and form sustainable relationships with new clients. We are also looking to build our team of consultants and offer mentoring and support to our employees to offer a consistent ap- proach in line with the objectives of the company. All of these develop- ments will provide us with many great opportunities which we are looking forward to taking advantage of.” Best Environmental H&S Consultancy - East Midlands Contact: Claire Hornby Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: Blackfriars Suite, The Hub, 1 Union Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 1HH, UK Phone: 07815 318635 Website: www.clhmanage- mentconsultancy.co.uk HAS17001 HAS17012 TVC has established a strong reputation for the delivery of quality Apprentice- ship training, validat- ed by Ofsted. Paul discusses the firm’s service offering, with spe- cific reference to the health and safety space. “Here at TVC, we enable busi- nesses to develop and grow by providing a range of services, of the highest quality, tailored to meet the specific needs of lo- cal business communities. Our success rates are consistently above the national average and amongst the best in the country. “Our Health and Safety depart- ment is able to offer information, advice and guidance to employ- ers and employees on safety matters generally and make rec- ommendations associated with safety issues, to promote and monitor safe working practices and procedures, and to assist employers and employees with compliance to health and safe- ty law. Due to our unique and diverse client base, the Health and Safety department covers all counties across the country and are flexible enough to arrange meetings to fit in with your work- ing hours and locations.” Fundamentally it is the firm’s dedication to providing the very highest standards of service and supporting its clients through a wide range of health and safe- ty challenges, such as carrying out audits and risk assessments or provide advice on corrective action on any client issues, that marks it out as the best option for its clients, as Paul concludes. “Overall, we at The Vocational College are fully committed to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of all learners on pro- gramme, therefore we will assist employers to be proactive in their approach to Health and Safety is- sues to reduce the amount of ac- cidents, injury and ill health which could lead to prosecution or cost- ly compensation claims, which could have a negative impact on your business.” Best Glass Industry H&S Training Provider - UK The Vocational College (TVC) is the largest provider of Glass Related Apprenticeships and qualifications in the UK. We spoke to Paul Gray to find out more about the firmand the services it offers. Contact: Paul Gray Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: 1 Dacre Street, Liverpool, L20 8DN, UK Phone: 015194 41744