Issue 1 2019

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 1 2019 13 , Natterbox enables organisations to deliver class-leading service levels to their customers through efficient and effective integration of voice into their digital customer communications. Following their success in CV’s Corporate Excellence Awards 2019, we profiled the firm to discover more about their innovative ways. Natterbox : Transforming Your Telephony Experience Founded in 2010, Natterbox acceler- ates productivity, transforms cus- tomer experience and improves data integrity, all within Salesforce. The firm provide Salesforce users with a global business phone system, 100% embedded and managed within Salesforce from one single app. This encompasses Cloud Telephony Integration, Contact Centre, PBX, Global Numbers, PCI Payments, Call Recording and Analytics. No hardware, no software, just your Salesforce login. Natterbox was created with the intention to disrupt the tradi- tional way of thinking about the telephone. The company realised that there are a huge number of organisations missing out on new business opportunities and the ability to provide personal- ised customer service simply because they do not offer the same experience over the phone that they do via email or apps. It became obvious to Natterbox’s founders that there was a market gap in there waiting to be filled – and that’s how the firm was born. Since the beginning, Natterbox has had a clear vision of what it wanted to achieve, and this has helped it overcome the challeng- es that it faced over the years. In addition to this, Natterbox is one of the only companies in the world that provides a telephony platform that sits directly within Salesforce. Having that USP gives it a strong position in the telecoms market, which is seeing huge disruption as the phone habits and the underlying infrastructure on which traditional telephony providers have relied on are changing. As Natterbox’s platform is home-grown and software-based, the company has the ability to change and add to its capabilities in response to customer and market demand easily. The flexibility of the plat- form means that it works across any size company and can be easily scaled should the compa- ny expand. The team at Natterbox work alongside companies from all sizes, in all industries. The only criteria that the team have is that they must use Salesforce or be considering Salesforce implementation. Additionally, the team meet prospects at events and receive numerous referrals, however, many come directly to them through their website. Looking ahead to what the future holds, Natterbox has some ex- citing launches coming down the line and recently announced an automatic routing service, using the intelligence captured from phone conversations to link call- ers with the most appropriate and skilled agents. The firm’s next big venture is real-time translation, meaning its clients’ customers will have an even more person- alised phone journey as they are able to communicate in their chosen language with ease. Dec18486 Contact: Tracy Ryan Address: One Croydon, Croydon, Surrey, United Kingdom, CR0 0XT Telephone: 0203 510 0500 Website: