Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018

12 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 , Founded in 2009, Universe Professional Ltd is a boutique and dynamic consulting company, specialising in People Development and Organisational Effectiveness programmes. In August, the firm was recognised in Corporate VisionMagazine’s 2018 Coaching Elite Awards as the ‘Leading Coach fromHong Kong’. On the back of this well-deserved success, we spoke with FonnieWong the Founder, Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer at Universe Professional, to find out more about the work that they do. Coaching is a Profession Today’s business landscape is one that is moving and adapt- ing to the challenges of the economy, the increasing expectations of the consumer, and swift technologi- cal advancement. To keep pace, businesses and professionals need to proactively and produc- tively evolve, grow and expand to remain at the cutting edge of our industry. Keeping up to speed with the latest developments and powerful collaboration are the two keys to success in this ev- er-changing and ever-challenging digital world. As such, the role of the Executive Coach has become more impor- tant than ever. The most valuable investment on human capital for enduring business success is to enhance our employees’ innate skills and unleash their talents. The right person with the right skills and mind-set in the right role can drive a company’s processes and operations in ways that machines and artificial intelligence cannot. Now is the time to capitalise on that fact. As Hong Kong’s Leading Coach, Universe Professional have a peerless reputation when it comes to helping their clients realise their potential, as Fonnie explains further: “We are deliv- ering research-based integral Coaching-Training-Wellness consultancy services to our cli- ents, merging their strengths and expertise to deepen their insights and co-creating a higher level for success and awareness to their stakeholders. All the designs and processes are client-focused partnerships with two-way com- munication and collaboration. Coaching is a profession; we bring our clients to see the val- ues through coaching the leaders to perform to their best at work; and enable deep and inside-out changes for generating more business growth. We partner and grow together with clients through life-long learning and supporting people and business- es to achieve sustainable growth and development.” “We enjoy working with fast- paced organisations where people are valued, and human potential is recognised. Our cli- ents understand the importance of collaboration to drive peak per- formance and business growth. They come from a wide variety of industries, such as Finance Ser- vices, Food & Beverages, Hotel and Tourism Management, Insur- ance, Luxury Retail and Fashion, Property Management and Hospitality, Transportation and Telecommunication. Alongside these commercial sectors, we also deliver services to Schools and Universities, Governmental and Non-Profit Organisations and Professional Associations.” Universe Professional’s ethos is fundamentally based around the idea that continuous learning and sustainable development leads to success. “We are a group of col- laborating Trainers and Coaches who are keen on consistent learning for growth. This is our vision - the simple idea that all of us live out our desired quality life through learning and develop- ment; in a healthy and congruent context. Universe Professional creates a coaching platform called UP Coaching Space® 1809CV14