Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018
14 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 , to support people in knowing themselves; becoming aware of their own abilities and talents and communicating congruently with others.” While talking about the firm’s name and vision, she shares with the business philosophy. “The ‘Universe’ is all of space and time and their contents; a ‘Professional’ meant one with particular talent, knowledge and skills necessary to perform the specific role. We see each individual unique with developed talents and undiscovered poten- tial, our role is to instil the attitude of confidence into the person to strive for dreams. In essence, we strongly believe in everyone’s power to achieve their DREAMS. The word of “DREAMS” is our values; it defines and shapes our business focuses, atti- tude, expertise, directions and decisions. It stands for: Depth, Respect, Empathy, Abundance, Mindfulness and Sustainabil- ity. These are the important elements leading and consoli- dating to our meaningful lives. Our programmes use these as a foundation to elevate business performance and help our clients to achieve success. Heartfelt thanks for CV Magazine’s Award that recognizes our continuous commitment and contribution in propelling sustainable people development & organizational effectiveness through coaching applications.” According to Peter Drucker, “Leaders in every single institu- tion and in every single sector have two responsibilities. They are responsible and accountable for the performance of their insti- tutions, and that requires them and their institutions to be con- centrated, focused, limited. They are responsible also, however, for the community as a whole.” Peter strived to make business leaders see the community as the responsibility of the corporation - this is incredibly important to us and deliberately underscores the reason-for-being goes beyond the business itself. Fonnie is an experienced leader in the com- munity services; she committed to serving community over 20 years in the volunteers’ personal and professional development. With her passion and devoted efforts, she was nominated and awarded as the HK Delegate and Speaker representing to attend the Worldwide and AP Regional Volunteer Conferences years ago to promote hearty people connec- tion and supportive relationship with care for making the world a better place. In turn, the above beliefs have shaped the firm’s internal culture, a combination of collaboration, partnership, community and con- tinual development. In a similar vein, the founding vision and values have greatly influenced the firm’s approach to hiring staff, which can be defined, ultimately and aptly, by a focus on develop- ment. “We are committed to de- veloping team members who are passionate and authentic. We believe that people are our most important asset for developing our competitive edge. Lastly, we treat everyone as partners - we share and collaborate.” “With the determination to make Universe Professional a valuable business partner for clients, our experts uphold ‘We walk the talk.’ - internalise our learning and training and utilise them in every- day life and facilitate our clients to apply in their specific contexts. Our motto of ‘Be Yourself ~ Be Authentic ~ Be Congruent’ lies at the crux of our training and programmes. We believed, from the outset, more integration and alignment of our Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit, more being congruent and becoming fully human to living out our lives. Apart from my credentials as a Professional Coach and Trainer, to walk the talk for more mind- body-emotion-spirit alignment, I study the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture points and learn Tai- chi, an internal Chinese martial art for body training and health benefits.” Fonnie is a Certified Trainer in Wellness Exercises via Meridian Channels. “There’s still a long way to go in that area accumulating with lots of learning practices.” Fonnie shares with a humble smile. She practices Universe Professional’s ethos every day, acting as a testament to their effectiveness. “We are passionate in supporting people to learn and grow with humanity, which - in turn - brings our lives more meaning, purpose, hope and joy.” She says. When it comes to the future of Universe Professional, Fonnie offers some insights into the firm’s plans for growth and expansion into new markets and revenue streams. “We witness that coaching or mentoring approaches are now more frequently adopted by busi- nesses of all sizes. Coaching is particularly appropriate in these challenging times, as coaching can enhance business leaders’ flexibility with growth mindset to achieve higher performance.” “One recent trend is that people are now taking more care of their health, and not just focusing singularly on work. They are concerning more about work-life integration. Our integral Coach- ing-Training-Wellness approach may help the HR, L&D profes- sionals and Business Leaders to review, develop, grow and retain talents in a holistic way, so that individuals perform their best for the organisation. In terms of Universe Professional specifical- ly, we have a long-term coaching development strategy and plan which involved collaborating with commercial corporations to train up their in-house coaches and develop dynamic coaching ap- proaches to fit different leaders’ needs. Secondly, we are bringing this holistic design to the schools, starting with the Principals and Senior Teachers to support them experiencing the effectiveness of cultivating a thought-provoking and creative environment for fur- ther growing their students. “We inspire the educators and they grow our future leaders.” “Coaching is a journey not a des- tination. Through the uncovering of the potential and heightening the awareness, our minds will organically direct towards what is POSSIBLE and POSITIVE to perform our best transformation. We all have great wisdom and power within us.”
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