Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018
46 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 , Open Study College is a flexible, friendly approach to learning. Following their CEO, Samantha Rutter’s success in CV’s 2018 Leadership Elite Awards as theMost Influential Female CEO of the Year 2018 – UK, we profiled the firmand spoke to Samantha who provided us with a detailed insight into the innovative ways Open Study College helps individuals to improve their career prospects. Fast-Track Up The Career Ladder Founded in 2007, Open Study College has become one of the UK’s leading dis- tance learning spe- cialists with over 73,000 students worldwide. Open Study College takes pride in delivering flexible learning with high-quality study materials, first-class customer service and outstanding tutor support, as Samantha explains. “Here at Open Study College, our mission is to provide everyone with the opportunity to better themselves through making edu- cation available to all. To achieve this, we offer a vast range of courses to suit all needs, whilst providing flexible payment plans to suit different situations. “Our experience as a long-stand- ing distance learning provider helps us to meet our students’ needs. In addition to this, our high standards and outstanding customer service attract students to study with us after being im- pressed with the level of service they receive.” Speaking of outstanding custom- er service, Samantha informs us of how the team at Open Study College ensure that their clients receive the best possible outcome. “We gather student feedback on a regular basis to help guide innovative new projects, ensuring that the outcome goes above and beyond our students’ expecta- tions. Also, we regularly consult our students to ensure that any new projects meet their needs.” Working behind the scenes to deliver these award-winning services, is the dedicated team which forms the backbone of Open Study College. When discussing the internal culture at the firm, Samantha is keen to highlight how the team work tirelessly to ensure that they deliver the best possible service to clients. “At Open Study College, we are keen to promote a positive inter- nal culture and our management team recognise the value of their employees. Senior management are eager to invest in their team’s development and regularly conduct anonymous employee surveys, allowing them to give honest, transparent feedback.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, Samantha signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the award-winning firm. “Moving forward, we have ambitious plans to increase our offering and grow over the next five years. We listen to our students and are currently devel- oping higher level qualifications, allowing them to study at degree level from their own home. “With over 500 courses available, we have something for everyone – for those embarking on a new career path, wanting to progress in their current job, or even those who simply enjoy learning some- thing new.” Company: Open Study College Telephone: 03300 563100 Web Address: Oct18599
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