Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 57 Taking Centre Stage: PR and the b2b Customer Journey Company: Speed Website: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0117 973 3300 @speedcomms Once the story is in place, the execution of the story can be wide and varied. Film, white- papers, short articles, blogs, social media – all these channels support engagement and are tools to reach your audiences and drive prospects / customers back to your services and front shop (website). Summary - the shift we have seen and how we are navigat- ing this More than ever PR has come in to its own now. PR over the years has taken on certain associations which need to be refined. It’s not simply media relations. It’s earn- ing the trust and credibility with audiences that will lead to action – earned campaigning through media, influencer engagement, collateral development, with insightful content and storytelling central to all of this, to reach the end customer.