Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018
76 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 , Positive user feedback earns Humanity top ranking among workforce management, time tracking, and employee scheduling providers. Humanity Recognized as HR Software Industry Leader by G2 Crowd Humanity, a leading provider of cloud- based employee shift scheduling solutions for the enterprise, recently announced its inclusion as a leading HR solution in 31 G2 Crowd Winter 2019 reports, and recognition across a range of categories including Workforce Management, Time Tracking, and Employee Scheduling. G2 Crowd, an online B2B software review platform, ranks products and vendors in an in- dustry Grid® and index based on reviews gathered from its online community of software users, as well as data collected from social networks and other online resources.1 “Customer satisfaction defines our success as a Software as a Service provider. Above all else, our mission is to simplify staff management and scheduling processes for businesses with shift-based positions,” said Chris Amani, CEO, Humanity. “We love hearing our customers’ real-world positive experiences and are honoured to be recognized as a top technology solution for companies looking for efficient, top-of-the-market workforce software.” Humanity was recognized as a leader in Workforce Manage- ment: • Included in the visual quad- rant Grid® as a Leader in Overall Workforce Manage- ment; Leader in Mid-Market; Leader in Small-Business; High Performance in Enter- prise • Ranked top resource in Im- plementation Index, including first place for Mid-Market; second for Enterprise; sec- ond for Overall Implementa- tion • Recognized for top cus- tomer satisfaction as third best in Overall Relationship Index; among the top ten in Mid-Market Relationship Index and Enterprise Rela- tionship Index • Placed among top ten prod- ucts in Overall Usability Index and Enterprise Usability; top 20 products for Mid-Market Usability Humanity was named a top solu- tion for Time Tracking: • Included in the visual quadrant Grid® as a Leader in Overall Time Tracking; Small-Business; Mid-Market • Listed as second top solution in Mid-Market Implemen- tation Index; included in Small-Business and Overall Implementation • Included in Relationship Index for Time Tracking; Small-Business Index; Mid-Market Index • Listed in Results Index for Time Tracking; Small-Busi- ness Results Index; Mid-Mar- ket Results Index • Among top products in Usa- bility Index for Time Tracking; Mid-Market Usability Index; Small-Business Usability Index Humanity was featured as an Employee Scheduling solution: • Included in the visual quadrant Grid® for Employ- ee Scheduling; Mid-Market Grid® for Employee Schedul- ing • Among top ten solutions recognized for successful customer relations in Rela- tionship Index for Employee Scheduling Humanity is offered as Soft- ware as a Service (SaaS), and integrates quickly and easily with today’s leading HCM platforms. Reducing the time needed to create, publish and manage em- ployee staff schedules by up to 80 percent, Humanity is used by a range of leading organizations to support today’s workforce. Companies like Kaiser Perma- nente, HBO, Lululemon, Lyft, Chick-fil-A, and many more count on Humanity every day to build and maintain staff schedules– helping to ensure employee sat- isfaction and enabling complete Human Capital visibility across the organization.
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