CV Issue 2 2018
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 11 , Cambron Limited uses coaching to help individuals and businesses to grow. It is run by Carolyn Reilywho is passionate about the power of coaching to enhance personal and business growth. We profile Carolyn and her company as we look to explore the secrets behind her success. Finding the Key to Success – Unlocking potential Possessing over 25 years’ experience of working with businesses from start-ups to high growth companies, Carolyn brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of leadership, management and business development, combined with an MA in Coaching to her work. She is experienced in working with businesses in the private, public and third sectors. In addition, Carolyn passes on her passion for coaching by teaching the Certificate and Diploma in Coaching programmes at the University of Warwick. Typically, Carolyn’s clients are entrepreneurs, managers or executives in a business or organisation that is facing the need for change. Often this is moving to a high growth phase, which requires a change in strategy and direction to achieve a step change in growth. For many entrepreneurs and business owners, professional life can be quite lonely, with few peers to share challenges and decisions with. Cambron Limited provides an independent, non-judgemental environment in which the client can explore issues that may be difficult to share with others within the organisation. Operating from a strong belief in the power of coaching, Carolyn is passionate about helping people and businesses to grow, develop and achieve their potential. Through coaching she allows clients to explore and develop their skills and to overcome barriers to achieving this. She primarily works from a non-directive approach, allowing the client to explore options and identify solutions through effective questioning, listening and challenge. The client has full ownership of any decisions that are made. When working with a client for the first time, Carolyn will meet with them to discuss the objectives of the coaching and identify the key issues or challenges that the client wants to explore. A series of coaching sessions will enable the client to think more effectively, explore options, identify solutions and make effective decisions. Carolyn’s wide-ranging experience of business and of the challenges faced by business owners, managers and executives is combined with many years of personal development as a coach, culminating in being awarded an MA from the University of Warwick. Also, she is a Member of the Association for Coaching and subscribes to their Code of Ethics and Continuous Professional Development requirements. She has coaching supervision which allows her to engage in reflective dialogue, and collaborative learning for her personal development as a coach. Coaching is being embraced by many organisations, in some through the development of an internal coaching pool, in others by the use of external coaches who can bring independence to the coaching relationship. This applies in both the public and private sectors where a coaching approach is seen as a key to improved performance. There is also growing interest in bringing coaching skills into education to help children develop resilience from a young age and to achieve their potential. As a coach who lectures on Warwick University coaching 1801CV10 programmes, Carolyn maintains an interest in new theories and developments in coaching. She also attends conferences and events to ensure her continuing professional development. Ultimately, Cambron Limited benefits from Carolyn lecturing in coaching and combining this with working with clients. Each aspect of her work enriches the other, enabling her to use a wide range of coaching techniques with her clients and to share her experience as a coach with her students. Coaching can help you to unlock your full potential. Contact Cambron Limited to find out more. Contact: Carolyn Reily Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: 68 Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3FN, UK Phone: 024 76 306 943
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