CV Issue 2 2018

16 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 , BNB training + consultancy has evolved fromBayramUnal’s dreamof helping people tomake changes in their lives, in 2006. We invited Bayram to tell us more about the business and its ongoing success within the consultancy industry. Training to be the Best BNB has risen up the ranks to become a worldwide corporate training and consultancy company in a short period of eight years. BNB trains at least 2000 trainees per year, and has trained over 4000 managers and leaders, and over 5000 in-company trainers in the last five years. Additionally, the business has served 120 corporate companies so far, 17 of which are among the first 100 companies in Turkey and 10 are among Fortune 500 Companies. An award-winning company, BNB has achieved concrete and measurable results, leading it to become a multi award-winning consultancy firm. A versatile and adaptable company, BNB specialises in a variety of leadership and personal development programs, consisting of Manager and Leader Development Programs, Coaching Programs, Sales and Service Development Programs, Train the Trainer Programs, Developing Technical Trainers Programs with 4STEP ® Method for Zero Human Errors and Workplace Mediation Programs for managers and HR. Integral to its success is the whole team’s approach to new clients and companies which it works with. Coming into each project with an open mind, the firm designs content accordingly to suit the needs of each company, achieving the planned results in projects and development programs. In order to succeed and reach the desired outcome for both sides, the company designs all training programs and projects according to the requirements of the client. Staff offer tailor-made designs to each customer, receiving approval from the company responsible before going ahead with the process. This enables BNB employees to make all the designs company specific and target group-specific people. Looking to gain feedback, both positive or negative, BNB adopts a follow-up and development approach to its projects. The team help participants to internalise what they have learned before transferring them to their corporate memory, through multiple development and follow- up activities after the training programs and projects. Bayram goes into detail about what attracts clients to the firm, what the consultancy stands for and the typical clientele that the company works with. “BNB stands for B eyond N ew B usiness, which means we are not only doing business with companies, but also trying to be their training and development solution partner, demonstrating that we really care about their people, business and results. To achieve this, we are trying to build long-term relationships with our clients. When we start a relationship, we make all our plans according to that. If we add value to a company and they see it, that relationship becomes permanent. “Besides working with different sectors on leadership, management, sales and service, coaching, we are also dominating the training and development production sectors in Turkey. We have many global corporate clients (such as LG, Bosch Siemens, Polisan Kansai, Nestle, Bosch Rexroth, Fiat, Ford, Colgate Palmolive,) and so many local corporate clients.” Revolutionising the consultancy industry, the team at BNB work exceptionally hard to put the client first. Bayram comments on how the company is fully prepared for any potential developments, citing its new platform which will provide an unrivalled learning platform clients. “Leadership and manager development is another important focus of the team. We design our processes and procedures specific to the client. “BNB is ready for industry 4.0. To adapt to the fourth industrial revolution, we have designed a new platform “BNB Akademi ® ” HR170036 (BNB Academy), the learning platform for our clients. All the needs analysis, tests, surveys, development activities, feedbacks are applied and followed in this platform, which is free for our clients. “Throughout our time in the market, we have touched so many people’s and companies’ lives, helped them to change and created value for them. In the future, we would like to increase the number of those people and companies much more and globally.” Ultimately, without its staff, the company would not have achieved the success it has. Bayram is on course to reach to the targets he has set both himself and the company, and achieving his dream of helping people to change their lives. Bayram’s attitude and leadership skills are mirrored in his staff, all of whom are professionals who possess a wealth of business and management experience. Contact: Bayram Unal Address: Murat Reis Mh, Bostaniçi S. Bağlarbaşı Soyak Evleri, No: 19/2 C4 Block D: 3 Üsküdar, Istanbul, 34663, Turkey Phone: 0090 216 492 91 10 Website: