CV Issue 2 2018

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 37 HUMAN CENTERED ORGANIZATION Global marketing representatives Global markets Assistants Sales Manager Assistant Marketing & Sales Assistant Customer careAssistant Area Sales Manager CorporateHR &Sustainability Assistant Corporate HR Specialist Controller Senior Accountant Invoicing&Billing Coordinator QualityAssurance Assistant QualityAssurance Specialist Batch Record Review Resp. Deputy Quality Assurance Manager Corporate Clinical R&D Manager Corporate Pharma R&D Manager Pharmacovigilance & Regulatory a airs Global Markets EMEA&ASEAN Sales Manager CorporateGlobal MarketingManager Laboratory R&D Supervisor PharmaR&D Assistant Global Senior Regulatory A airs Specialist Regulatory a airs Specialist Clinical R&D specialist Clinical Development Assistant Pharmacovigilance Specialist GlobalMarkets Americas SalesManager Global Markets Alliance Managers President Corporate CEO Corporate COO Corporate Project Manager Corporate Project Specialist Corporate Brand Manager Corporate ICT Manager ERP Supervisor Corporate Quality Control Manager Corporate Supply Chain Manager Engineering Maintenance &HSEManager Production Manager Corporate Industrial Operations Manager Quality control Laboratory Sup. Quality control intern Quality control trainee Quality control Operator Quality control Laboratory Resp. Packaging Development Assistant Export Logistics & customer care Assistant Supply chain logistics trainee Logistics and Procurement Assistant Maintenance operator Engineering & Maintenance Assistant Warehouse Supervisor Wharehouse Trainee Warehouse Operator General Services Auxiliary Packaging Operator Packaging Supervisor Manufacturing Operator Production manager Deputy Manufacturing Assistant Manufacturing Trainee Manufacturing Supervisor Scienti c A airs Corporate Director Corporate CFO Quality Assurance Corporate Director Global Markets Corporate Director Sales & Marketing CH Corporate Director Sustainability & HR Corporate Director Industrial A airs Corporate Director Welcome Desk & Event Planner Respect, What Else? g “As Corporate CEO, I have complete responsibility over all the sites and affiliates of the company, and I see my role as defining the strategy and vision of the organization, following the strategy implementation through to execution. Innovation is not only about the products, but also about management style and organization. Getting this right is of the key elements of our long-lasting success. That is why I am currently implementing a novel organization model, which I called “Human centered organization”, based on responsibility and meritocracy more than hierarchy upon rigid, closed and internal structures. To sustain and encourage the change, I designed also a novel model of governance, open, dynamic and inclusive, with the scope to maintain continuous adherence between the strategy and the operations on going, adapting the one to the others and vice-versa with all the organization involved. Inter-functional, interconnected and multi-level teams (called routines), supported with digital tools and apps, have been created and are operating to accomplish this critical task. “Fundamentally, at Sintetica, we seriously take the obligation to meet the highest standards of business ethics and integrity, and make meeting those standards the responsibility of all our employees. That is why, when hiring new employees, we look for ‘smart’ people who share our thirst for diversity, our respect for traditions and our aim to be a global leading company. The culture of total respect and the focus to the individual person shall be considered as our core heritage. The people are the real stars of our business and the biggest resource we count on to grow and develop the company. “Overall, I believe in a company culture that promotes creativity and informed risk taking. In this respect, it must also promote a good feeling for all employees that work here, who should always feel safe when they are in work. Making Sintetica a great place to work is my firm belief, something that is very much a part of the company DNA. I consider our people to be the company’s core resource. That is why I can trust those who work in my organisation to open to change and drive the innovation in management process in the long-term.” This supportive internal culture benefits not only the staff, but also the firm’s customers. As such, when discussing what differentiates Sintetica from competitors, marking them out as the best possible option for their partners, Augusto reflects on how the culture of Sintetica and all the strategic choices are firmly based on respect. “Respect is the core value of the company and it permeates across every employee. The concept of respect is divided into three well-defined directions. It is expressed in relation to its employees, enhancing the different characteristics of each one. Whether for work or as an individual, through activities which create a pleasant environment in which to work and express themselves. “This same concept is also expressed towards the patients using Sintetica drugs worldwide, providing them with the highest quality products and investing in innovation to imagine the best