CV Issue 2 2018

40 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 , Re:CognitionHealth is a pioneering brain andmind clinic. The company were recently selected in the Corporate Excellence Awards 2017 as being the Recognised Leaders in Alzheimer’s Disease Research – UK. We took time to profile the firm, and discover the ways in the organisation provide people with the highest quality treatments and care. Complete Cognitive Care Specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and care of people showing symptoms of cognitive impairment of mental health concerns. By using the latest progressive medical research and also evidence based treatments, the team at Re:Cognition Health are truly passionate about transforming and optimising cognitive performance through education, clinical excellence and by providing access to emerging treatments. With Re:Cognition Clinics located in London, Birmingham, Surrey and Plymouth, they are also some of the major centres for international trials of modifying and new symptomatic drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions. At Re:Cognition, the organisation has a leading team of experts who all work together to provide a full service, patient-centred approach from the initial assessments and investigations through to diagnosis, treatment, management and also care. As well as leading team of experts, Re:Cognition also have expertise in all aspects of cognitive function, offering advice and treatment of conditions, which include: traumatic brain injury, neurology, children’s neurological conditions, Alzheimer’s and dementia and mental health. Focusing more on the organisation’s vision, the team at Re:Cognition are on the pathway to becoming the recognised leader in the diagnosis, treatment and care management of individuals who are from, or even concerned they may be developing symptoms of memory loss and cognitive impairment. Moving onto Re:Cognition’s mission, the team set out to provide the best clinical quality, as well as the best customer experience in diagnostic and treatment services for the benefit of their patients referring clinicians, employers and investors. Rooted at the heart of the organisation the seven core values that the team at Re:Cognition adhere to. These values are: • Integrity – The team will conduct their business in both an honest and ethical way • Relationships – Treating all individuals as equals with respect, dignity and honesty • Results – No excuses are made for less than optimal performances • Communication – Communicating effectively as well sharing information proactively with one another • Measurement – Performances are measured to ensure Re:Cognition’s resources are being used effectively • Service – Providing both patients and clinicians with a “value” experience • Excellence – The team will pursue continual improvement in “who we are and what we do” These seven core values enable the team at Re:Cognition to provide clients with the highest level of care in transforming and optimising cognitive performance. 1712CV40 Looking ahead to what the future holds for the passionate organisation, the team at Re:Cognition will continue their mission to changing the future for those with memory loss and Alzheimer’s Disease. As well as continuing to provide education, clinical excellence and access to the most advanced treatments available, worldwide. Company: Re:Cognition Address: 77 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 9RU, UK Telephone 020 3355 35 36 Website: