CV Issue 2 2018
46 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 , Spadafora De Rosa is an international Law Firm specialising in the assistance of foreign clients investing in Italy and EU. We profiled the firmand spoke to Alessandro De Rosa, ourMost Innovative Real Estate Lawyer last year in Italy, as we explore the secrets behind its success. Innovative, Flexible and International Founded in 2004, Spadafora De Rosa is an ambitious and trustworthy company, working to help clients invest in Italy and other areas, with an overall mission of providing clients with the best service. At the helm is Alessandro, and with his innovative mind and helpful nature, he works hard to provide the best solutions possible. Along with Alessandro, other aspects which help differentiate the firm apart from its competitors is its clients’ impossibility to find the same service at a lower price, putting the firm in an outstanding position in the market. Being selected in the Corporate Excellence Awards as the Most Innovative Real Estate Lawyer last year in Italy is something Alessandro is extremely proud of and he believes that it will help take the firm forwards. Being an award-winning leader, Alessandro is of the opinion that this achievement shows that the firm is heading in the right direction, meaning it will continue with its current services, whilst constantly looking to improve them. Dedicated to providing the best service, a lot of detail and attention is paid to ensuring that the firm’s clients will be satisfied with the outcome and services they receive. Spadafora Re Rosa’s excellent customer satisfaction levels speak for themselves, as the team study all the possible solutions together alongside the client and therefore decide which steps both sides will take in order to ensure the best result is achieved. Discussing potential solutions with clients is a major aspect of the firm’s success, but Alessandro is also keen to note that within the company there is a lot of discussion and freedom given to staff and employees. “Throughout Spadafora De Rosa, staff have continuous internal meetings to be reciprocally updated every single day, as we evaluate our vision, direction of the company and what decisions need to be taken.” Alessandro provides us with a brief overview of the industry within Italy currently, noting that although there have been issues in the past, the country is recovering and there are brighter times ahead for the real estate market. He then goes on to explain what techniques the firm employs in order to stay ahead of any emerging developments. “Italy is coming out from the big real estate crisis which arose in 2007, with values in property decreased up to 50% of their initial value. Subsequently, low prices encourage foreign investments. “With regard to potential developments within the industry, we hope that the EU will grow as a unique entity in the next decade so that every single nation will benefit from our new power as a community. As part of our ethos, we will always try to arrive before the actual challenges: Your review could become leader in the assistance to the professionals for this transformation.” Looking to the future, it is essential in the times ahead that Spadafora De Rosa continue to stay ahead of emerging developments within the industry, and anticipate the international trends which will pop up, as Alessandro looks forward to. “Moving forwards, we can all be part of this passage from the industrial economy to the technological one; next years will be dominated by internet, smart phones, tablet, crypto currencies, to name a few: or we anticipate their effects, or we will have to be submitted by them. All the professionals need to be aware of their situation.” In his concluding comments, Alessandro mentions that: “Clients never sleep, business 1801CV16 never sleep, opportunities never sleep, and so we have to run faster than the changes!” Ultimately, working with a wide- ranging and fluid structure, alongside an international network mean that Spadafora De Rosa are establishing themselves as a leader in the foreign investment sector. Consolidating this position will lead to more clients and the best business, as the firm looks to expand even further around the world. Company: Spadafora De Rosa Law Firm Contact: Alessandro De Rosa Address: Via Trasone, 52 00199 – Rome, Italy Phone: +3906858221 Website:
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