CV Issue 2 2018

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 51 What do have Industry Analysts and Patent Attorneys in Common? g vis-a-vis clients and technology fields. In contrast, it is LifeTech IP’s approach and understanding that it is necessary to build solid bridges between the different technology fields in order to link open ends of the various scientific fields, so as to help enterprises in generating new IP and protect it. To illustrate this, an example may be given: to understand biological systems, gene regulatory networks may be simulated using Boolean networks, which may require a fast generation of pseudo-random pattern of input stimuli (input sequences) in hardware. This may require an understanding of biological systems, influences of genes and hormones and options of high-speed sequence generation, Name: Ruediger Spies Web Address: Address: Elsenheimerstrasse 47a, D-80687 Munich, Germany Telephone: +49 89 2351 3561 4 Mobile: +49 171 821 80 62 as well as, how to generate these stimuli using computer technology, semiconductor production technology and chip design. LifeTech IP’s philosophy is to constantly invest in expertise expansion in order to address inventors and inventions of the 6th Kondratieff cycle paired with the required legal expertise and IP management skills (e.g., IP valuation) to coach IP departments in enterprises. On the analyst side, a common approach to product manager and marketing managers is “Surprise me!” – This has been turned around in the patent attorney role: We aim at surprising our client and the inventors with the gone extra- mile. Thus, LifeTech IP aims to deliver highly customized IP services (no mass production) to their clients and help them – where appropriate – to transition their IP activities from a cost via an asset centre to a profit centre. Because of these capabilities, it does not come as a surprise that LifeTech IP has been a member of a time-limited subgroup of the German patent bar, name of the sub-group for IP valuation, and an elected member of a permanent committee of the German patent bar for software, or better computer-implemented inventions (CII). Eventually, the dual election one of the 100 most influential persons in the German IT industry along with the CEO of SAP, other tech giant’s representatives and CIOs of DAX companies has helped to become elected for the software committee. Overall, we are proud having received the IP award 2017 and for us it is a driver to thrive for an even better service to our clients continuing to build bridges between the industry analyst world and the IP world. Ruediger Spies always interested in what comes after “What-comes-next”