CV Issue 2 2018

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2018 55 , GlobalCare Clinical Trials provides a patient-centric approach to clinical trials, whichdecreases the cycle time of biopharmaceutical development and speeds up the delivery of life-enhancing products tomarket.We profile the organisation and speak toRobinMarcus aswe look to gain an insight intowhatmakes the company so successful. A Global Company for a Global Market GlobalCare brings over 100 years of experience in the clinical trials and home healthcare industries, supporting over 400 studies in over 50 countries by effectively delivering high quality and convenient clinical trial services in the home or alternate- site setting. With the firm holding an excellent reputation worldwide and within the industry, GlobalCare maintains a global clinical network of ambulant clinicians and Country Coordinators, whilst also operating offices in North America and Europe. GlobalCare supports all phases of clinical trials in a variety of therapeutic areas, genomics and personalised medicine in all age groups. GlobalCare also provides a variety of site support services. Robin explains how the firm’s creativity means it is able to provide a high quality of service to clients and patients. “Here at GlobalCare, our innovative service model focuses on conveniently conducting selected clinical study visits in the comfort of the patient’s home or alternate location via a centrally managed global network of multi-lingual, GCP/ ICH trained and certified Country Coordinators and local ambulant clinicians.” Subsequently, as a result of its ability to place potential clients locally, the company is able to attract more patients and increase the productivity of its services. GlobalCare cost-effectively provides clinicians near the patients and in compliance with local and country regulations, resulting in more patients being willing and able to participate in the trials. Other benefits also include faster patient enrolment, meaning products might make it to market quicker, as well as better patient compliance, and naturally higher retention rates amongst clients, as customer and patient satisfaction levels rise. Typically, working with a diverse client base, GlobalCare deals with a variety of patients from around the world. Patients can be of any age, and whether it be at home, the workplace, school or another alternate location, the team at GlobalCare will visit the patient. GlobalCare’s ambulant care services for clinical trials brings visits to study patients regardless of distance to the site, disease state, duration of study or frequency of visits. Currently, services are available across the globe in over 60 countries, including Global project management, clinical assessments, study drug admin and device management. Furthermore, with the organisation’s versatility and adaptability, the team can also offer blood draws, other biologic sample collections, central and local pharmacies. Another string to GlobalCare’s already impressive portfolio is its data collection offerings, and site support services. Lastly, there is a lot to look forward to for the firm moving forwards, with the patient centred approach of the firm being a major factor in its growth. 1802CV18 Speeding up the delivery of life-enhancing products to the market is a sought-after aspect of the industry, and something GlobalCare at the team are dedicated to achieving. Contact: Robin Marcus Address: 2201 Waukegan Road, Suite 300 Bannockburn, Illinois, USA Phone: 001 707-228-9711 Website: