Corporate Vision Issue 2 2019
24 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2019 , Dec18516 FoxRothschildLLP is a full-servicenational lawfirmwithmore than900 lawyers in27 offices. Recently, we profiled thefirmtodiscovermore about the outstanding services it provides to for a diverse range of clients. Nurturing Innovation and Driving Client Success Fox Rothschild LLP was built on the twin traditions of providing top-quality client service and attracting bright and creative lawyers who know how to deliver. An entrepreneurial firm that has grown dramatically over the past decade, Fox represents clients of all sizes, from individuals to startups to global corporations. Known for its flexibility and responsiveness, Fox deliv¬ers services with the razor-sharp focus of a boutique law firm and the robust reach and resources of a national shop. Truly a full-service firm, Fox attorneys advise on a wide range of areas, including Bankruptcy, Corporate, Employment, Intellec- tual Property, Litigation, Medical Technology, Privacy & Data Security, Real Estate and Tax & Wealth Planning. Beyond the typical services one finds at a big law firm, Fox also has a robust Entertainment Law Group and a nationally recog- nized Cannabis Law Group. The firm’s award-winning Litigation Department is particularly deep and well-rounded, with more than 400 litigators providing a range of risk assessment, counselling and strategic trial services across industries and borders. The White Collar Criminal De- fense & Regulatory Compliance Practice is a key pillar within Fox’s Liti¬gation Department and features attorneys with decades of experience handling high- stakes criminal cases, internal investi¬gations, regulatory compliance and tax controversy matters. Recognized as thought leaders, the attorneys in the White Collar Group are regular panelists at industry gatherings and write frequently for law journals and publications, as well as Fox’s own Tax Controversy & Financial Crimes Report blog. One of the stars in Fox’s White Collar Group is Ian M. Comisky, who was recently named the White Collar Lawyer of the Year in Corporate Vision’s 2019 Cor- porate Excellence Awards. Contact: Ian M. Comisky Company: Fox Rothschild LLP Address: 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia, 19103, Pennsylvania, USA Telephone: 001 215 299 2795 Website:
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