Corporate Vision Issue 2 2019

28 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2019 , Jan19203 For over 35 years, TheRichardL. RosenLawFirm, PLLChas counselled and advised franchisees, franchisors and franchisee associations onboth the legal andbusiness aspects of franchising. Following their success in theCorporateExcellenceAwards 2019, we profiled thefirmandMr. Rosen todiscovermore about the outstanding services theydeliver to their clients to ensure that they achieve their goals. Protecting Your Interests Richard L. Rosen, the founding member of The Richard L. Rosen Law Firm, PLLC, has been ac- tively engaged in the practice of franchise law for over 40 years, during which time he has rep- resented many franchisors and franchisees, both as an attorney and as a business adviser. Throughout his career, Mr. Rosen has counseled and represented franchisors in the setting up of franchising systems and pro- grams, has formed franchising entities, drafted and negotiated franchise agreements, regis- tration statements, disclosure documents and other ancillary franchise documents. Alongside all of this, Mr. Rosen has also represented franchisees and franchisee associations, as well as litigating in both state and federal courts, and mediated matters on behalf of both fran- chisors and franchisees. As for the team at The Richard L. Rosen Law Firm, PLLC, they are regularly engaged in a general, commercial practice which in- cludes active involvement in the fields of franchising, corporate, real estate and trust and estates law. For many years, Mr. Rosen has been a real estate developer, representing many commercial clients in their real estate devel- opment, acquisition and leasing endeavors. In addition to this, the firm also work tirelessly to ensure that they maintain an active state and federal court litigation practice, as well as engaging in other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution, including arbitration and mediation. Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at The Richard L. Rosen Law Firm, PLLC will continue to deliver an outstand- ing service to clients, working tirelessly to ensure that their requirements are not only met but surpasses their expecta- tions. Additionally, Mr. Rosen and his team hope the firm will expand in the years to come and build upon their success so far, which includes being selected in Corporate Vision’s Corporate Excellence Awards 2019 where they were righteously awarded the accolade Leading Expert in Franchise Law 2019 – USA. Company: The Richard L. Rosen Law Firm, PLLC Address: 110 E. 59th Street, 23rd Floor, New York, New York 10022 Telephone: 001 212 644 6644 Website: www.richardrosenlaw. com