Corporate Vision Issue 2 2019

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 2 2019 33 , Jan19517 Drawing on its vast industry expertise, InTraCoMGmbH is the leading patent valuation company inEurope. Having awarded the firmMost Outstanding Patent ValuationService Provider 2019 –Germany in our Corporate Excellence Awards 2019we profile it tofind outmore. Asset Valuation You Can Trust As an experienced service provider InTraCoM focuses on the valuation of patents and utility models, patent families or entire corporate portfolios, all of which are valued both qualitatively and monetarily. The firm’s custom- ers benefit by the professional, unbeatable fast and high-quality delivery of results at very compet- itive prices. This service offering is increasing- ly important in today’s market, as Intellectual Property is a growing intangible asset field for compa- nies. This has also been recog- nized by financing institutions like e.g. banks, venture capital firms, analysts. With 84% of many com- pany’s value bound in intangible assets, clients need to explore the value of these assets. Whoever is willing to know a certain company value will have to know their intan- gibles also, because they are the value drivers that are typically not mentioned in the balance sheets. Many – especially stock listed – companies have accordingly hid- den values nobody knows about, except the InTraCoM Experts. Having a transparent, tamper proof, fast and efficient way to value patents qualitatively as well as monetarily makes it easier for all stakeholder to understand this asset class. As such, InTraCoM’s software affiliates are using the InTraCoM indicator based market analogy valuation methodology and rating all patents worldwide with a full automated engine using a limited set of indicators. Institutions worldwide use these data already, and this has helped the firm to rise to the success it enjoys today. Moving forward, InTraCoM is seeking to create a new method- ology setup using new indicators that have been investigated within the past year. Alongside this, the firm is involved into the creation of a European Intellectual Asset Bank that is securing loans by using patents as collateral. These exciting developments will ensure InTraCoM’s ongoing success for many years to come. Company: InTraCoM GMBH Name: Dr. Dierk-Oliver Kiehne