Issue 5 2019
36 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 5 2019 , The Individual Agency is a brand-ledmarketing, creative, digital and packaging agency that tailor their services to fit client requirements. Recently, the firm found success in CV’s 2019 Marketing, PR&Design Awards where theywere recognised as theMost Client-Focused Branding Agency 2019 - United Kingdom. On the back of this win, we profile the firmand caught upwithManaging Director, Michelle Edgar-Parsons who provided us with a detailed insight into the innerworkings of the award-winning creative agency. Rising Stars in Marketing Since their inception, The Individual Agency have focused on clear targets, truly differentiated brands, relevant communications and ongoing measurement to transform their clients’ brands and overall businesses. The Individual Agency creates engaging brands and communi- cations for a range of clients, both big and small, across a vast range of sectors. Priding themselves on their ethos of only working in a par- ticular sector once, for one client; given how immersed they become in a brand and the business overall, the team at The Individual Agency feel it is unethical to then work with a competitor at any point in future. Michelle begins by going into further detail about the areas the team at The Individual Agency specialises within to ensure they deliver a personalised service to their clients. Feb19526 “Here at The Individual Agency, we work with likeminded people/ brands not just as many people as we can; volume is not what we’re about. We don’t just build brands, we take them to heart; we aim to tell an engaging story that makes sure our clients’ brands are seen as individual and stand out from the competitive set. “At the heart of everything we do is our ‘Brand Build’; a logical, straightforward process that was designed to build engaging brands from the ground up. We believe you get out of your brand what you put in, and putting solid founda- tions in place will provide a strong platform to build upon, for all future brand communications. Once we complete the Brand Build, we then take full responsibility for all mar- keting communications, working in house for a number of clients to ensure KPIs are achieved.” Over the years, the team at The Individual Agency have built an impressive portfolio, accumulat- ing clients from a diverse range of sectors. From working with biosafety cabinets ( ) through to baths (trojan-baths. ), freezepops (mr-freezepops. ) to bedding (littleslumbers. ), the firm have ensured that their approach to each client and project has remained the same. How the team are able to achieve this, is something that Michelle is keen to explain. “Firstly, we need to truly under- stand their ‘targets’ - both internally and externally, what profit are we trying to drive for the business but then who is our target audience and what are they looking for. Once we have all of the informa- tion we require to derive insights etc., we can then establish the ‘brand’ and complete differentiation to the rest of the market, along with the messaging that we know will resonate with the target audiences. “With clear targets and a truly differentiated brand, we can then look to communicate to best effect - we always write a 12 month tactical marketing plan so that the business knows exactly what is happening and when, the cost associated and who is responsible - it makes for easy implementation. The final aspect to our approach is measurement. Monthly reporting on agreed KPIs is crucial and something that is discussed from the outset with all clients.” Enabling the firm to deliver such a high-standard of service, is the talented, inventive and committed team which forms the backbone of The Individual Agency. When discussing the internal culture, Michelle reveals the significant role the team play in the overall success of the firm. “The team at The Individual Agency are the fundamental reason we achieve everything that we do. Each and every person is
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