Issue 6 2019
38 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 6 2019 , May19066 Features That Drive Loyalty RoboRewards provides automated customer loyalty software solutions tobig and small businesses alike. Recently, thefirmfound success inCV’s 2019CorporateExcellenceAwards, where itwas selected as theBest CustomLoyaltyProgramSoftware Solution2019 –USA. On the backof this win, we profiled thefirmand caught upwith the company’s CEOandFounder, Jonathan Ingram, whoprovideduswitha glimpse into the innerworkings of the award-winning company. Founded in 2009, RoboRewards pro- vides customer loyal- ty software solutions for businesses build- ing customer loyalty and white label resellers. Offering custom- ized loyalty solutions, as well as custom developments for clients who have ideas that are outside of the box, RoboRewards uses the most innovative technology and software resources availa- ble to reach their clients’ reward program needs effectively. Specializing in growing clients’ customer bases, keeping custom- ers coming back, and omnichan- nel marketing, RoboReward’s entire process is automated so businesses can focus on their day to day operations, instead of worrying about strenuous mar- keting efforts. As such, the firm automates an otherwise heavy workload, which would normally take multiple employees to man- age. Jonathan begins by going into further detail about the areas the firm specializes in, noting how the firm has success within such a competitive industry. “Here at RoboRewards, our primary focus is custom complex loyalty solutions; however, we also have solutions for small- er businesses seeking fewer features. Whatever the size of the company, RoboRewards clients all agree, what makes us stand out is not only unprecedented software functionality, but client support, and the ability to offer software customizations no one else can.” Working behind the scenes and delivering these award-winning services, is a committed, inno- vative, and hard-working team which forms the backbone of RoboRewards. When discussing the internal culture, Jonathan is keen to highlight the significant role the team plays in the overall success of the firm. “RoboRewards developers are the brightest minds in the indus- try. We have a rigorous hiring process allowing us to select only the most elite developers to join our team. Our software has well over a million lines of code, so only a select few pass the intense testing process. “ Although impressive, Jonathan states, “Having such a comprehensive loyalty software with extensive features, is only as good as The User Interface. Our developers continue to evolve our User Inter- face in a simplistic manner bring- ing complete power and control into business’s hands, giving our clients marketing power never experienced before.” Additionally, Jonathan noted that he’s actively involved in client relationships, as well as the de- velopment process to ensure day to day operations run smoothly. Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, the team at RoboRewards hopes to build upon the remarkable success they have achieved over the years, which includes their most recent win in Corporate Vision’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards where they were right- eously awarded the accolade Best Custom Loyalty Program Software Solutions 2019 – USA. Bringing the interview to a close, Jonathan signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the firm, touching on how the team plans to continue providing an impeccable service to their clients. “Moving forward, our mission remains the same; we’ll continue listening to our client’s wants and needs, which help shape and mold our software into the dream solution our clients require. As technologies change, our soft- ware becomes even better.” Contact: Jonathan Ingram Address: Two CityPlace Drive, 2nd Floor, St. Louis, MO, 63141, United States Telephone: 800 664 1214 Web Address:
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