Corporate Vision June 2017

CORPORATE VISION / June 2017 49 Longevity Speaks Volumes Company: Comfort Dynamics Name: Tony DeMeo Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: 823 Estabrook St. San Leandro, CA 94577 Telephone: +1 510 352 8501 g Oakland Marriott & Convention Center - Hospitality & Convention Facility This is one of Comfort Dynamics largest single projects to date in their 18-year company history. Marriott ownership was referred to us Comfort Dynamics by the engineering firm they hired to develop a RFP for a complete replacement of the aging control system for both the hotel and convention center. They are essentially a single building with single chilled and hot water plant, which must be managed to serve the needs of both entities. Comfort Dynamics successfully upgraded the control systems, replaced an 800-ton cooling tower in phases over a weekend without and impact to the hotel guests. Comfort Dynamics identified additional upgrades to the HVAC systems which were approved over and above the original contract value. The engineering department is very happy with the control system and mechanical improvements, plus Comfort Dynamics continue to provide maintenance and service work in addition to ongoing small mechanical projects.