Corporate Vision Issue 7
10 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 , Moçambique Previdente, S.G.F.P., S.A., is a PensionFundsManagement Company, operating in Mozambiquewith the sole objective ofmanaging pension funds.We spoke toAldo Tembe aswe look to discovermore about the ambitious and forward-thinking company. An Ambitious and Forward-Thinking Person Based in Mozambique, Moçambique Previdente provides a vast array of services, from the creation of pension funds, to administer it, actuarial valuations, investment consultancy, asset management and benefit payment. Typically, the clients range from SOE to Private Entities, as well as small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME’s) and other individuals. Aldo starts of by telling us what methods and techniques the team adopts when undertaking a new project, before outlining what steps the firm takes to ensure that its clients receive the best possible outcome. “Here at Moçambique, the team provides clients with custom made solutions, ensuring that we are always available to deliver the best for their needs and budgets. Our core belief is that we cannot have a one size fits all solution, as we are aware that every client is different.” Subsequently, it is this vision of tailoring each solution to suit the individuals needs which has enabled the firm to set out an overall mission of providing value to both shareholders and clients. Aldo comments on the firm’s mission, and how this fits in with its other attributes which separate it apart from its competitors. “Operating with a long-term vision, our mission is to provide value to our shareholders whilst creating value to the society as whole and engage deeply with our stakeholders. “As a differentiator, not only do we provide tailor made solutions to our clients, but we also combine a team with expertise of more than 20 years of experience in the industry across all of Africa.” This ability and vast amount of experience has seen the team at Moçambique Previdente come up with many creative and innovative ideas which have seen it adapt to the constantly developing industry, as Aldo mentions. “Essentially, we form part of a multinational group where we exchange knowledge on developments and information on each market, and by listening to client’s needs and understanding them, we are able to stay innovative.” Ultimately, there are exciting times ahead Moçambique Previdente, as Aldo refers to in his concluding comments. “Moving forward, the team plans to provide services to the lower end of the pyramid, such as the informal sector, individuals and SMME’s. We have realised 1806CV04 that this segment is currently underserved for pension benefits and insurance in general.” Company: Moçambique Previdente S.G.F.P, S.A Contact: Aldo Tembe Address: Av. Armando Tivane, 1232, Maputo, Mozambique Phone: 00258 21486610 Website: www.
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