Corporate Vision Issue 7
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 21 majority of our staff come from recommendations of others who are working with us. Additionally, all of our staff complete the care certificate and mandatory training, as well as bespoke training specific to each client. Learning about their condition and the best ways to support, we work collaboratively with others such as the Huntington Society, our health care colleagues, The Abbott nurses, etc. who provide us with training. “We are developing links with community groups to work collaboratively to ensure our clients receive the best opportunities possible and A Marketing Solutions Firm That Solves Problems g sustainability for us as an organisation. “Looking ahead to what the future holds, we will continue to strive towards providing the best service that anyone can and be the best employers we can be.” Company: Catherine Care Ltd Name: Sharron Keown Web Address: Address: Unit 13a Jerome Road Business Park, Jerome Road, Norton Canes, Cannock WS11 9UE Telephone: 01543 271000
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