Corporate Vision Issue 7

36 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 , ClaireBuck is a qualified coachandmentorwhohas over 30years experience inbusiness. Taking time toprovideus anoverviewof the coaching services she provides, Claire goes intodetail about howher years of experiencehas helped to achieve remarkable results. The Empowering Coach 20 years ago, I was living in London and running my own successful retail and distribution company; Stephen was based in Leeds and owned a prosperous shoe business. We had an instant connection and despite the distance we knew we had something special. After two years of commuting between cities, I sold my business and moved to Leeds. With four children between us we had to settle into our new married life pretty fast and it wasn’t long before we expanded our family. Ellie was the result of IVF and an absolute dream come true. Just two years later our natural miracle, Jack, appeared and took our family to eight. Managing a large family and our own business was a huge challenge but we make a great team. What soon became apparent to me was that the tools I needed to be successful in both life and business were one and the same. Qualities such as honesty, truth, integrity and compassion are ingrained into everything I do but being a great listener is probably my biggest secret to success. Over the years I’ve put my heart and soul into making sure our children have a happy, stable life as well as being an integral part of driving our business forward. We successfully grew a chain of over 60 retail outlets with a strong e-commerce and wholesale operation, employing over 500 people at peak. In 2014, we sold some shares and I took a step back from the business. For the first few months I enjoyed my “freedom” but I’m used to being constantly challenged and my brain wasn’t ready to switch off. That’s when I made the decision that I wanted to really help Business Owners & Professionals solve problems in both their Business and their Life. I decided that I had something to offer that could add real value to the lives and businesses of others. I retrained. I learnt everything I could about coaching and mentoring and thought hard about the kind of people I could help. My training and personal development, combined with my vast experience, has enabled me to put together a coaching model that truly empowers people, solving real problems for Business Owners and Professionals Finding real time solutions for questions like: - 1806CV47 • I am not getting enough from my people • My team is not aligned • I need to change the culture, but everyone resists! • We need a new strategy, but no one can even agree what the issues are • I need to have a difficult conversation, but not sure I have the right approach. • I can’t trust anyone else to do get this done, but I don’t have time to keep doing it myself • I am overwhelmed and I don’t want to burn out. • I need a succession plan, so I can hand this organisation on or sell it. • I am great at technology, but all of this ‘people stuff’ is incredibly frustrating. We offer a Discovery Session to find out the real needs of the person, which leads to • 1-2-1 Sessions • Group Alignment • Group Away Days Which can all be managed in house, Off Site or Virtually. I believe that everyone has the ability to empower themselves in life, relationships and business, so I help my clients to resolve conflict, overcome obstacles and achieve Alignment and Success. Company: Claire Buck Coachng Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)113 393 1313 Mobile: 07748633600 Website: