Corporate Vision Issue 7

8 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 , The Executive Lounge is a global Human Capital Agency dedicated tomaximising the impact of people in business and beyond. We profiled the firmand spoke to Athina Kafetsiou, the company’s CEO as we seek to gain an insight into their achievements. A Unique Spin on Making Things Happen The Executive Lounge aims to shape powerful, suc- cessful transitions in challenging contexts of intense competition and rapid pace of change. Possessing an enhanced reputation, the agency developed the PotMax me- ta-coaching system, succeeding in boosting exceptional results on challenging growth missions which are faced by contemporary global leaders. Operating with a long-term vision, the Executive Lounge offers a science-led suite of solutions, helping executive leaders around the world to move beyond just an- ticipating the future, and instead redefining it. Furthermore, the Executive Lounge offers a robust platform and ecosystem of kno- whow, ideas, and people working in close collaboration with clients towards delivering faster, bigger and better tangible, measurable result, applying a robust mind-shift system for maximising impact and success on what matters most. Boasting a worldwide portfolio spanning across 52 different cul- tures, the Executive Lounge are seen as the partners of choice for many high-profile companies in a variety of industries. The firm’s clients are top decision makers, with the sole purpose of making the highest impact possible within the context of their corporate, family businesses, groups, and offices ecosystems, all whilst operating across the global terrain of increased competition and change. Essentially, the Execu- tive Lounge’s mission is to build accelerated routes to sustainable growth and maximised impact. There are several different ways that the team have been helping them achieve that and this is what makes them different. A major aspect of the company’s success has been the team’s ability in putting the Person At The Heart of Service, known as the PATHOS medal. This is essential as the company deals with real people, with real thoughts, mean- ing they must think about the per- son and they must consider the feelings and actions of those who are guiding the company towards the development of an intention- al mindset, allowing clients to believe in exceeding the possible and subsequently achieving the exceptional. Athina and her team believe that customer service and personal relationships support- ed by science are the integral ingredient to the success that the Executive Lounge has achieved. It is the company’s belief that the subtle and more obscure intra and inter-relations among people make or break survival, success and growth. Above and beyond all the technologies, systems, knowl- edge, it is the people that make the choices and take the actions and a robust system for rewiring minds and actions offers an un- paralleled competitive advantage to contemporary organisations. Athina starts off the discussion by explaining what methods and techniques the team employs when looking to undertake a new client, including sitting down with them in order to gain an under- standing of their requirements. “Behind every exceptional out- come and impressive success is one person or a group of people architecting an alternate vision, and then aligning people’s efforts and minds to get there sooner rather than later. So, starting with ‘The End in Mind’ or ‘Ideal Destination’, we spend the first few meetings shaping what an exceptional goal looks like, look- ing at why it is important, and how it is going to be reflected in real 1806CV33 metrics that matter and count, as well as furnishing it with quali- tative indicators for growth and development alike. “This is enabled by two key components of our value propo- sition: firstly, the robust Analytics Stage, where we apply in-depth knowledge and expertise on how business works and a robust methodology for optimising exceptional outcomes routes. Secondly, the PATHOS approach then allows our multi-disciplinary experts to design a tailored solu- tion for the client and challenge at hand. Furthermore, our corporate, family groups and office clients enjoy the benefits of an integrat- ed management consultancy and human capital analytics in one, whilst our executive leaders benefit from a 15-point battery of Profiling Analytics that unlock their potential and free their vision.” Being based in London but ap- pealing to a global audience, it is vital that Athina and her team are able to ensure that the Executive Lounge stands apart from its rival and subsequently attracts its clients, something Athina believes the agency does exceptionally well.