Corporate Vision Issue 7

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 7 2018 9 A Unique Spin on Making Things Happen g Athina can be reached at: Phone: +447916330604 Or email: [email protected] Twitter: excelounge Linkedin profile: na-kafetsiou-30a3291/ Company: The Executive Lounge Global HQ, International House, 124 Cromwell Road, Kensington, SW7 4ET “There are three elements op- erating together that have been making us partners of choice for leading companies and execu- tives around the world: Clarity + Alignment + Maximised Impact = Real Results. “Clarity: Our first and most essential contribution is the clarity of goal and end destination that is set firmly on the table as program end point. A vision that was previously thought impossible or unattainable that is now set as clear goal.” “Alignment: The second very important contribution of our input is the alignment of all parties involved and the enabling of all minds, hearts and motivations to start pointing to the same direction thus adding invaluable sharpness of focus.” “Maximised Impact: Once people have a strong enough “what” coupled by a robust and shared ‘why’, then we bring to the mix sets of tools and techniques that aid the optimisation of effort and execution on the individual and group levels both.” “Real Results: We break the biggest taboo in the industry of leadership and organisational development and coaching by connecting all programs to real, measurable, tangible results that matter and reflect maximised impact to a factor of 5x from baseline.” Within the industry currently, Athi- na notes that there is a clamour for evidence-driven and solutions based on results, which will move beyond the typical profession- al services and value-for-time model, as people are requesting a value-for-results approach. “What had been habitually coined as ‘soft skills’ have now become the essential factors that create or destroy value on many levels. The second big challenge for our industry is the transparency of our solutions and how they are going to add value and help the client in question. “Furthermore, we need to move beyond just top of the hat, experiential, guru led approaches to more robust, science enabled models that capture the wealth of knowledge and expertise that is out there. Taking full advantage in the process, of the ample digital assistance that can be of invalu- able contribution if integrated well and used to augment our client’s visions and cut program delivery time significantly also.” “Last but not least, as a global provider of services to leading corporate executives, family owned and/or managed conglom- erates & groups, family offices and high growth organisations operating on the global terrain, we cannot emphasise enough the importance of designing global-minded suites of solutions that understand the local nuances and enable the shared, maxim- ised impact to emerge faster; this can only be achieved by deep business matched with cross-cul- tural understanding across geographies and industries thus offering a real edge towards the acceleration of ambitious growth plans. The rate of change and technological advancement creates a real urgency for fast and sustainable growth and this cannot happen without the fundamental shift in the mindsets of both key decision makers as well as their workforce, or the instigation of new ways of working that brings out the 100% of peo- ple by tapping into what matters to them the most. Growth seen in a multi-dimensional impact matrix mapped out with actual real metrics that enable and support it is key for our industry and a real challenge.” With technology playing an increasingly dominant part in the future of the Executive Lounge, Athina excitedly predicts what the future holds for the agency, as she talks about her expansion into Asia. “Currently, we are expanding our operations in Asia, working closely with key players and trust- ed partners as well as opening operations in Ireland, as the base of choice for the big and mighty in the high tech space so that we expand our value contribution to the many high growth tech companies that are currently part of our portfolio and would need us to follow them as they expand around the world. Also, we are in the process of preparing a series of thematic open growth seminar programs around key European capitals so that we make our model accessible to larger audi- ences of appx 1000 participants per time starting from Athens, Greece in September 2018. This is part of our give back mandate, and commitment to maximise our impact of enabling growth for those who need it the most and not only those who are able to un- dertake such a great and sizeable investment in their growth.” Ultimately, as the future looks bright for the Executive Lounge, Athina tells us what developments she foresees within the industry which will open up even more opportunities for the company to explore and tailor its solutions accordingly. “Moving forward, the overall HR and coaching industry will need to take a long, hard look at what clients need and how to provide it in the most efficient and timely manner in an evidence-based manner that connects the investment made to the outcome reached. At the same time, digital- isation and technological evolution will require coaching services to become more technology enabled and mindful since a lot of the more mechanical approaches could be rendered obsolete. Last but first and foremost, it is the person at the end of the service that we care for, the wellbeing and empowerment of whom leads to fantastic transformations. “In addition to this, we will be starting the Excelounge Green- house for ensuring that highly talented psychology, neurosci- ence, leadership and manage- ment science graduates can get trained and absorbed into the job market working for a recognised and established organisation with great credentials, no matter what they choose to do later on in their career. Having solid foundations in people analytics and develop- ment is a key transferable skill for life. “As mentioned previously, our service is strategically positioned to deal with the former, since we connect results and real numbers to every single program commissioned as well as having built major partnerships with data scientists and agencies to ensure we stay ahead of the curve in terms of the latter.”