Technology Innovator Awards 2020

May20134 Leading Innovators in Digital Branding and Global Print Solutions - Scotland Teams all over the world are creating more content than ever before, across a multitude of platforms and mediums and for a wide variety of markets and industries. Creating such a wealth of content requires a serious investment of time, energy, and resources, without even considering the storage, global access and distribution of these print and digital assets. That is where docs24 comes in, providing one central asset management platform that gets global and local teams on the same page for real-time collaboration and editing. To find out more about this innovative solution, we take a closer look at docs24, and what it offers. Founded in 2013, docs24 has grown over the last seven years to become one of the most agile marketing, business content, and brand asset management platforms in the world, giving clients simple, efficient, tailored, and controlled management of a business or brand. In fact, the name docs24 is the perfect acronym for exactly what the firm offers through its exceptional services and products. docs24 works with digital document and brand asset management, taking it and organising marketing, print and company content. From there, the client has complete control through one simple tailored portal, and they can benefit from streamlined business, saving time and money. All of this is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Such is the excellence of docs24 and the services it provides for clients. Brand consistency across a myriad of different mediums and communication channels can be difficult for businesses in the world today, especially with so many forms of social media and their differing purposes. Content creation can be a time-consuming effort for creative teams who must prepare several different versions of a message to be put out to business partners and followers everywhere. docs24 provides one central asset management platform that gets global and local teams on the same page for real-time collaborative edits and approvals, minimising the downtime in between drafts and allowing for the creativity to never stop flowing. The three core areas that docs24 provide services in include personalised templates, seamless workflow conditions, and marketing data; each of which play a vital role in proper communication and control across all necessary channels. Personalised templates are a crucial tool in the arsenal of any creative team, allowing for greater flexibility and greater time reduction in content creation, driving efficiency to greater standards than ever before. What docs24 offers is a smart online document designer that comes fully equipped with a variety of editing tools and controls for maximum creativity. Collaborators can edit and preview templates that have been specifically customised to their business and brand through either a browser, a desktop, or a tablet device. The possibilities are limitless for how docs24 can be used to benefit a business. Editing on the go isn’t the only bonus that clients can have when using the innovative platform from docs24. The templates themselves are available for editing, and users can remove those repetitive design tasks with these powerful and adaptable templates. Not only does this make the creative process more fun and less tedious, but it can also reduce up to a massive ninety percent of the design time by allowing users to edit templates directly from the browser. The accessibility is one thing, but brand consistency and control is another that docs24 have considered greatly throughout its service. Protecting a brand across marketing communications allows teams to benefit from knowing exactly what to use when, where, and how. As well as the personalised templates offering a great deal to clients, so too does the seamless workflow aspect of the service that docs24 provides. Collaborating with creative teammates and other members of various departments within a company has never been so simple, as the platform allows for easy connection between teams and for everyone to contribute through one centralised platform. The lack of centralisation does not prevent users being in control however, as the platform allows for easily distributed control over documents and various publication aspects. Each account can have various permissions and approved statuses, so that important documents can be approved by the right people before being published and purchased. Seamless doesn’t truly mean seamless unless a process is properly streamlined, and docs24 enables its user teams to streamline their marketing communications across multiple channels. Users can create, launch, and track campaigns across the mediums of print, email, social media, and SMS, ensuring that a campaign maintains its brand consistency and accuracy at all times. Finally, marketing data is an imperative part of any content creation strategy. Understanding exactly who the content is for and how it will be used is vital to the content’s success. With docs24’s marketing data Founded in 2013, docs24 has grown over the last seven years to become one of the most agile marketing, business content, and brand asset management platforms in the world, giving clients simple, efficient, tailored, and controlled management of a business or brand. The templates themselves are available for editing, and users can remove those repetitive design tasks with these powerful and adaptable templates. Not only does this make the creative process more fun and less tedious, but it can also reduce up to a massive ninety percent of the design time by allowing users to edit templates directly from the browser.