2020 Automotive Awards
Oct20561 BestAutomotive Localisation Partner - Europe The history of ITP Europe is as extensive as it is exceptional. What started out as a European translation hub of a Japan-based company founded over a hundred years ago, has since become a staple of the automotive industry in Europe, delivering localisation services that are truly outstanding. Though ITP’s heritage lies primarily in printed matters, the firm has grown into a content editing service based in Brussels and Slovakia. Find out more about this European powerhouse as we profile its services and what it has to offer clients in the automotive industry. ITP Europe still lives up to its original core business of more than thirty years ago, delivering technical translations that are strongly rooted in the automotive industry. Though the medium of these translations may have changed over the years, the commitment of ITP Europe has not, and it remains fully focused on delivering a service that every client is grateful to receive. ITP Europe is a thirty-person strong company that exists over two branches, with one in Brussels, and one in Slovakia. There are three business units, each of which is headed by a project manager who liaises directly with the senior manager. The business units each have a high level of autonomy, and each serve their own pool of customers. What exactly do these business units do, and how does ITP Europe change the game in terms of the localisation services that are required in the automotive industry? Localisation has been merged with the concept of a one-stop-shop for editing services by offering creative design, localisation, and omnichannel publishing as one package. That is what ITP Europe does for its customers. Serving some of the top Japanese international companies, including Toyota Motor Europe, Yamaha Europe, and Shimano Europe, the team at ITP Europe live and breathe technical translation which ventured beyond the automotive industry only. Back in the early 1990s, it took vast teams of translators wading through thousands of pages of automotive technical jargon to get the right result. Today however, ITP Europe offers highly-automated localisation solutions that are built on a vast database of automotive technical translation data and meticulously structured terminology databases. Yet, it still requires a staff team that has rich experience and great versatility in handling these vast swathes of information and data. ITP Europe encourages this depth of skill and talent, and also encourages a high level of flexibility and internal mobility for its staff. For the staff that have started off as project coordinators, they have had the opportunity to grow at ITP Europe into roles such as translation engineering, project management, and sales-based roles. This versatility is also one of the unique selling points of the firm: the salespeople know the offered services inside out because they have evolved out of operations themselves. All the staff have a very professional attitude, and take their job very seriously, but they also care about sharing best practices and enhancing the continuous improvement of knowledge about what is going on in the localisation industry. The future remains bright for the staff, as the firm has recently hired two young multilingual employees thanks to the versatile working package it offered to them. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to play a role in the localisation industry. Due to the pandemic, a lot of production lines have temporarily been halted and are facing huge delays amounting to several months. With sales numbers also dwindling and departments being forced to work remotely, more automotive customers are switching their attention to other topics in a bid to cut costs. Clients have become increasingly critical on their spending, demanding absolute transparency on the process, but also often seizing back the localisation process either in part, or in its entirety, by implementing their own Content Management System. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic may have urged the localisation industry as a whole to rethink its purpose and the way it operates, it has not stopped ITP Europe from continuing the excellence it has achieved over more than three decades. Looking ahead, the firm will shift more to a hybrid model of translation consulting combined with actual translation services. With machines steadily becoming more integrated into society, there is a sense that the project coordinators and managers at ITP Europe will need to grow more into Customer Success Managers, developing their sense for detecting hidden needs from customers and turning them into opportunities. A task that the firm will no doubt approach with passion, enthusiasm, dedication, and resounding success. Company: ITP Europe Contact: Ryuya Koshimae Website: www.itp-europe.com
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