Corporate Vision April 2017
34 CORPORATE VISION / April 2017 , Dr TorstenMatthias tells us more about his firm, his areas of specialismand what it felt like to be awarded European CEO of theMonth – Healthcare. A Strong Will and Perseverance AESKU. GROUP, based in Wendelsheim, Germany, offers the most comprehensive product portfolio in the field of auto- immune diagnostic worldwide with in-house produced kits as well as automatic systems. Currently, AESKU.GROUP employs more than 200 people and offers over 150 different products in more than 90 countries all over the world. AESKU.GROUP is composed of AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS, AESKU.SYSTEMS, AESKU. THERAPY, AESKU.KIPP INSTITUTE and now also DST GmbH. This enables AESKU. GROUP in a unique manner to unify scientific competence in the basic research with expertise in the development of reliable, fast and easy-to-use products. It is the basis for the high-quality and the innovative lead of the products of AESKU. As a worldwide operating company, AESKU possesses a very good developed distributor network and subsidiaries in USA, Singapore and Columbia. The company was founded in 2000 by Dr Torsten Matthias and had one mission: to facilitate lab routine by offering accurate, robust and reliable assays. In only a few years AESKU.GROUP has become a recognized name in the field of autoimmunity due to their ELISA’s, immunofluorescence and blot tests product lines AESKULISA ® , AESKUSLIDES ® and AESKUBLOTS ® . In the same way, the automatic systems of AESKU.GROUP are recognized in the diagnostic community. Accordingly, the semi-automated HELMED ® and automated processor and reader HELIOS ® are well-established in the market with more than 650 installations worldwide. Torsten acquired DST in 2017. DST has a distinctive know-how in production and application of allergens on different platforms like ELISA, Blot and Point-of-care (POC) tests. Recently, Torsten was awarded the prestigious accolade of European CEO of the Month - Healthcare. He tells us how it feels to receive such a title and what it means for the firm. “To get this award is a great honour and it makes me proud of what we have achieved in the last few years,” he begins. “Looking back, we were starting from the scratch with only 5 employees and now we compete with big companies. It pays tribute to all our efforts. A number of factors have helped me getting to this result, especially my employees. For these people this award represents confidence in the company and the strong view that we are on the right track for the future. Subsequently, this is highly motivating for everybody of the AESKU.GROUP.” Torsten believes that strong will and perseverance are key attributes to possess when it comes to being a successful 1703CV22 and award-winning CEO. He embellishes further on what skills he believes have helped him to become the leader he is today. “Sometimes it’s necessary to be unconventional to stand out from the crowd. But therefore, you need the willingness to take a risk and responsibility for the consequences. Moreover, you have to pay attention to detail on your products, processes and the market. I am convinced of what we are doing. Moreover, I am convinced of our products: we have reliable kits, we have good concepts, and we have unique automated systems. Most importantly, I am still rich of ideas and full of creativity. “Social competence is also very important. I need people that like to go to work, that they have fun in what they are doing. Teamwork is essential, communication the ultimate component for a good working atmosphere. To help parents managing work and family we have implemented a kindergarten to offer parents the opportunity to bring their kids. Moreover, we have different work time models and timekeeping to allow flexible timetables.” As a healthcare CEO, it is important that Torsten keeps up- to-date with the latest technology and emerging trends within the industry. However he also foresees change within the next five years within this sector. “We have a huge team of scientists, making our company really science-oriented. We consistently invest in research, looking for better markers associated with diseases in which AESKU is specialized. Due to that, we aim to offer tests for a better and faster diagnosis of the patients. “We grow continuously in order to expand our knowledge. In a couple of years the number of our employees at AESKU will increase significantly. We are proud to be a company with multinational valuable employees, customers and collaborators. 20 nationalities are represented in some of our meetings! “The current economic situation compromises future double-digit market growth in the Eurozone, but we achieved good results in LATAM, ASIA, and EMEA that we want to continue. The FDA clearance of some AESKU IFA products in US is the starting point of a very exiting adventure for our company. “We have major ongoing projects, creating innovative new technologies, and some of them are closed to be launched, this will boost our development. Within the serological sector, we started to expand our area of expertise; this is part our strategy in the coming five years.” With regards to future aspirations for the firm, Torsten wants AESKU.GROUP to be a full- range supplier in diagnostics and reveals that he is constantly looking beyond his nose to new diagnostic and methodical fields.
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