Corporate Vision April 2017

CORPORATE VISION / April 2017 47 Company: Azotic Technologies Ltd Name: Peter Blezard, CEO/Founder Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Euxton Lane, Chorley PR7 6TE, UK Telephone: 44 (0) 1257 226 592 An Expert in the Field g this is something that is currently undergoing change, with many mergers and acquisitions. “No one company now no matter however big, has the capacity to keep abreast of all the changes. The cost of developing, marketing and increasingly even defending products means fewer products come forwards, that is why companies like Azotic are very important affecting change” Peter tells us. He then shares his thoughts on the future of technology, his firm and his own vital role as a CEO. “The future of our industry is in good hands with many multinationals who look to develop smaller companies like Azotic at a certain stage of their product cycle. The whole industry and life sciences in particular will move through vast change over the next decade as we move to science for the way we treat ourselves and the crops we eat. “The agricultural industry is moving to the life science sector with biologicals at the forefront, that is a natural way, a sustainable way to grow our food, this will be driven by the consumer and food groups alongside the agricultural industry I believe. “The future is not revealed to us, but here at Azotic we aim to be successful by predicting the future in Nitrogen delivery, we aim to be at the forefront of this work on a global platform innovation is key for the UK to be at the forefront of much change UK plc can do this as we have much innovation, funding that innovation is another matter, but we can never give up change is constant.”