- - - Software For A Marvellous Future Marvelution is a software company that simplifies Jenkins Integration in Jira and is predominantly focused on saving time for its clients. Built by Mark Rekveld, the firm has gone from strengthto-strength recently, culminating as it is recognised as 2022’s Leading Open-Source Software Development Specialists –Netherlands in the Corporate Vision Awards 2022. Based approximately 20 kilometres outside Amsterdam, Marvelution is a software development shop that grew from an open source software hobby project and focusses on the Jenkins Integration for Jira app. The goal of the app is to make the integration of Jenkins in Jira as easy as possible whilst providing insight into the results of Jenkins and its relation to Jira issues. Jira software is used for issue tracking and project management by more than 180,000 customers in around 190 countries, and Mark’s pioneering app has seen approximately 3,000 installs, and counting, to date. Some of the organisations that have used Jenkins Integration for Jira at some point in time have used it for bug-tracking and project management. These include big names, such as IBM, Dell, Fujitsu, Hewlett Packard, and the National Bank of Canada. “I built Jenkins Integration for Jira initially to solve my own problem,” explains the firm’s Founder, Mark Rekveld. “I felt the integration process between Jenkins and Jira was inefficient and I thought there must be an easier way to work with Jenkins builds in Jira. Turns out I was not alone.” Mark has a senior software engineer background as well as being an experience designer and solution architect, creating and building from small open source software to large enterprise applications. Mark initially focused on Java software development following gaining a Bachelor’s degree in informatics and his company started out as a way for Mark to share his coding work with the world. What began very much as an interest for Mark has since grown into a small, yet highly successful, company that provides software development consulting and development of its own software be it open or closed source. “It has never been one magic thing,” he elaborates. “It is many little things I have added over time which I have learned with the help of the Jenkins and Jira communities.” Thanks to the help of the Jenkins community of Jira users, Mark has steadily improved Jenkins Integration for Jira. What began very much as an umbrella open-source project in 2007, has led to a journey of success stories. The initial app for Jira for Hudson integration, one of Mark’s very first projects, launched on the Atlassian Marketplace in 2009 then, in 2013, Jenkins Integration for Jira went live on the Atlassian Marketplace. Such was its overwhelming success that Mark was able to establish Marvelution as a company in its own right in 2015. Regarding clientele, Mark tells us that anyone that develops software using Jira and Jenkins is a potential customer. This can be from the smallest one-man hobbyist to the largest international corporations, banks, and governments. “I try to be as open, honest and direct as possible with customers and treat all of them the same no matter the revenue they generate,” Netherlands-based one-man band Mark elaborates, “I still do all the development and customer service myself. I’m active in the open-source community and, more generally, I enjoy coding to solve problems. “This is a reason I personally deal with all support requests; I like helping users as they help me build things I’m happy with.” By putting his customers first, he has developed software that truly helps those around him. He has become a shining example of what it means to be client-focused. Recently, Mark’s company was recognised for its hard work by being bestowed with the prestigious accolade of 2022’s Leading OpenSource Software Development Specialists – Netherlands by Corporate Vision and, whilst Mark’s biggest challenge is making sure the cloud app, Jenkins Integration for Jira, can accommodate the ever-growing demand. He has no definite plans regarding the future other than to keep having fun developing new features and assisting his dedicated customer base. Mark concludes, “I shall just continue to focus on turning my hobby into a company and keep providing software development services, next to supporting the existing open source projects, that have made Marvelution into what it is today.” Contact Details Contact: Mark Rekveld Company: Marvelution Web Address: https://marvelution.com Jan22181 “I built Jenkins Integration for Jira initially to solve my own problem,” explains the firm’s Founder, Mark Rekveld. “I felt the integration process between Jenkins and Jira was inefficient and I thought there must be an easier way to work with Jenkins builds in Jira. Turns out I was not alone.” - - Marvellous Future r l i i i i l f i i - t - , D l . as r i t l il t i a s ft r l t t y r j t f J i T l f t i t i i s p s i l il t r i i i i i r latio t Jir i . Jir s ft r i f i i r t , t i pio ri i l , t d t . f t i i f r Jir t s i t i ti i t. i l i , let c r , t i l “I b ilt J i I t r ti f Ji i i i ll ex lai s t r ’s , l . l et J i Jir i i I easier y t r it J i il i Ji . ark has a senior s ft ar i r c r ll i experience designer a s l ti rc it ct, cr ti il i fr s all open source soft are t larg t r ris lic ti s. r initially focused on Java soft are ev l t f ll i i i Bachelor’s degree in infor atics a is c y st rt t s y for Mark to share his coding ork it t e rl . t v ry uch as an interest for ark has since gr i t a s all, y t ig ly successful, co pany that provides soft are evel e t c s lti g and develop ent of its o n soft are be it open or close s rce. “It has never been one agic thing,” he elaborates. “It is any little things I have added over ti e hich I have learned ith the help of the Jenkins and Jira co unities.” Thanks to the help of the Jenkins co unity of Jira users, ark has steadily i proved Jenkins Integration for Jira. hat began very uch as an u brella open-source project in 2007, has led to a journey of success stories. The initial app for Jira for Hudson integration, one of ark’s very first projects, launched on the Atlassian arketplace in 2009 then, in 2013, Jenkins Integration for Jira went live on the Atlassian arketplace. Such was its overwhel ing success that ark was able to establish Marvelution as a company in its own right in 2015. Regarding clientele, Mark tells us that anyone that develops software using Jira and Jenkins is a potential customer. This can be fro the smallest one-man hobbyist to the largest international corporations, banks, and governments. “I try to be as open, honest and direct as possible with customers tr t ll f t t tt r t r v e t ey ge erate,” t rl - - r l r tes, “I still o all the l t t r s rvic ys lf. I’ active i t e open-source it , r r lly, I j y c i g t s lve proble s. “ is is r s I rs lly l it all s rt requests; I like l i s rs s t y l il t i gs I’ appy ith.” By putting is c st rs rst, as evel e s ft are that truly helps those r i . as ec e a s i i g exa ple of hat it eans to be clie t-f c se . ece tly, ark’s co pany as recognised for its hard ork by being besto ed ith the prestigious accolade of 2022’s Leading penSource Soft are evelop ent Specialists – etherlands by Corporate Vision and, hilst ark’s biggest challenge is aking sure the cloud app, Jenkins Integration for Jira, can acco odate the ever-growing de and. e has no definite plans regarding the future other than to keep having fun developing ne features and assisting his dedicated custo er base. ark concludes, “I shall just continue to focus on turning y hobby into a co pany and keep providing software develop ent services, next to supporting the existing open source projects, that have made arvelution into what it is today.” Contact Details Contact: Mark Rekveld Company: Marvelution Web Address: https://marvelution.com Jan22181 I il i l , fi ’ , . i i ir i i i t i builds i i . 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