‘Everyone internally must understand that being # 1 is only sustainable over time if we constantly keep creating disruptive solutions,’ comments Andrea Ortega, Business IT’s Leader of Marketing. There are numerous ways in which the company secures its position, including constant, faced-paced evolution that pushes the company ahead of its competitors. Additionally, it remains aware of its competitors’ changes in their portfolio, new competitive advantages they are taking out, key personnel they are incorporating, and so on. One of Business IT’s key strategies is the use of experimentation. Arciniegas writes, ‘we can have several ideas on how to optimise ourselves internally, but we need to test the hypotheses and constantly experiment with controlled risks. Traditional organisations try to scale in efficiency and predictability, creating static (controlled growth) environments with the belief that they will reduce risks.’ Furthermore, Business IT is supported by a team that wholeheartedly embodies the company’s ethos, mission, and passion for client-centricity. It is abundantly clear that the team plays a leading role in the company’s framework, as they play a major role in the creation of client experiences, and as a result Business IT has employed certified personnel and better processes. ‘A phrase that summarises our culture would be: the only competitive advantage over time is the ability to innovate faster than your competition,’ Andrea adds. Henceforth, the company provides access to a range of programmes to keep the company’s DNA alive. The Covid-19 pandemic did, however, have a large impact on the company’s processes. Prior to the pandemic, the company updated its portfolio of services every three months – Business IT is now undertaking this process every three weeks. As the world is currently going through a highly uncertain period, which is pushing the company to constantly reassess how it operates and the services it offers – ‘For example, these days we are launching a whole new Cybersecurity offer implemented on world-class platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 that provide full integration with many systems, providing information security, agility, and global coverage to organisations.’ With this in mind, the company’s future is set to be filled with an abundance of evolution, twisting and turning to remain in its premier position in the market. Currently, Business IT is shaping its services to prioritise customer service by implementing innovation technologies that create added value for customers. In addition, the company is quickly approaching the opening of its headquarters in Bolivia, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Contact: Andrea Ortega Company: Business IT Web Address: www.grupobusiness.it Apr22491 Sustainable IT Solutions to Streamline Your Business Business IT has earned itself the title of Most Eco-Conscious IT Services Provider 2022 - Latin America. Through using cloud platforms, the company has cultivated solutions that bolster productivity, efficacy, and optimisation. 2022 will be a big year for Business IT, as it gears up for expansion. Founded in 2009, Business IT is an Ecuadorian company that services several countries in Latin America. The company specialises in high-tech solutions, enabling organisations to reduce their operational costs, increase efficiency, and improve productivity through sustainable and environmentally friendly IT practices. Such sustainable practices stem from the utilisation of cloud technologies – Business IT is one of Latin America’s leading providers of the most secure public cloud in the world: Microsoft Azure. Business IT strives for innovation – it is a fundamental element within the company’s culture. It aids with the company’s mission to provide companies with advanced digital transformations, with a primary focus upon the automation of business processes. Moreover, the company designs bespoke solutions for businesses, following a stringent consultation process that allows for an understanding of its client’s goals to flourish. Business IT’s method spans across five steps – evaluation and diagnosis, the establishment of objectives, planning, execution, and evaluation – to ensure the best possible service for its clients.