Human lives and nature are inextricably linked together, with the power of nature often more potent than many would have you believe. Super Nature Products Europe BV was established with the aim of better linking human being with a more natural way of life. We take a look at the firm, following its impressive triumph in Corporate Vision’s Global Business Awards 2022. At the age of 33, Chris Blancke had a very serious accident. When complications arose, doctors told him that they might have to perform an acute amputation, one which would see him lose a large part of his leg as well as his foot. Chris didn’t accept this, and chose to follow a path that embraced the possibilities of nature in medical procedures. After three years in a wheelchair, he began rehabilitation with wonderful results – as well as his foot and leg completely intact! The creation of Super Nature Products was the natural evolution of what happened to Chris. He wanted to share a knowledge of what nature could bring with as wide an audience as possible. Hippocrates is reported to said, “let your food be your medicine” and this has inspired many of Chris’ decisions. His website was the first to offer worldwide, bio-energetic orthomolecular food supplements. The range of products has grown dramatically over the years too. With more products entering the market, and new scientific discoveries that vindicate the use of better natural health as a solution to all kinds of problems, it’s little wonder that his approach has seen enormous success. Operating online means that Chris has been able to sell products around the world with ease. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this has allowed the firm to continue selling its products around the world. The crisis has sparked an interest in various vitamins and minerals and herbs. As health has become a priority for many, they have begun to explore other paths to a more natural way of life. As Super Nature Products is home to many different brands that are designed to support people’s health, this has opened the door to even more business for clients. To stay ahead of emerging developments is key to the success of Super Nature Products, with a business model that is akin to the adoption of the latest fashions. While good health remains a constant, the methods of achieving it change as we gain new knowledge. Even if a new product is adopted by several manufacturers, the presentation of these products can change too. The team at Super Nature Products carefully curates its products so that it is able to act as the best solution for their customers. Looking ahead, Chris and his team hope to expand the company into new parts of the world. It has been approached directly by many who want to buy their products. This growth geographically is matched by an expansion to the range of products available. The team are actually developing their own range of products, a special series called Pure. This only contains the main ingredient and the capsule, allowing the maximum effect has be experienced by the customer, in the shortest time and at the most competitive price. Few can argue with the power that nature holds, but the team at Super Nature Products really tries to deliver this to people around the world. Their success in this field is a reflection of its founder, Chris, and his commitment to making this dream of a world healed by nature into a reality. Company: Super Nature Products Europe BV Name: Chris Blancke Web Address: Aug22462 Health Supplements eTail Business of the Year 2022 - UK