Corporate Vision Issue 12 2018

40 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 12 2018 , Magdi Wafa is an independent finance professional supporting companies in all CFO office activities; such as Restructuring, Process digitalisation, M&A Integration, BI and financial reporting Building-up. We profiled and spoke toMagdi, as we looked to gain further insight into the award-winning services that he provides to his clients. Wealth of Experience Prior to being an independent finance professional, Magdi Wafa was the Direc- tor of Global Finance for AGT Group International where he led an international team in the US, Abu Dhabi, Germany, Israel, Switzerland and the APAC Region. Recognised primarily by his hands-on experience in account- ing, FP&A, international taxation, treasury, IPO preparation, post- M&A integration, commercial pro- ject management and strategic financial management, Magdi’s broad international experience includes working in the United States, Switzerland, the Middle East, APAC and South America. When discussing the areas that he primarily specialises in, Magdi informs us of some of his main skills and what services he deliv- ers to his clients. “I am a skilled initiator of successful strategies ensuring operational excellence and improved work ethic, culture and performance. In addition to this, I also provide my clients with strong people management, leadership and motivation skills, all have which have been devel- oped from my broad international experience.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, Magdi reveals the exciting plans which he already has lined up, especially following his recent success in Corporate Vision’s 2018 Corporate Excellence Awards, where he was awarded the accolade Most Outstanding Independent Financial Specialist 2018 – Switzerland. “For 2019, I will be directing my efforts to support both start-ups and small enterprises in provid- ing an integrated Cloud based Service and support of all CFO Office Activities. “In addition to this, I will be continuing my education in Blockchain Technology usage for Industries and would like to pursue my career in the Industrial or Service Industries. I want to develop my talents in Blockchain Technology usage for industries, Analytics, and Business Applica- tions and Design.” Contact: Magdi Wafa Website: Nov18265